2005 Super Bowl.......

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will be held in my little hometown of Jacksonville, FL. NFL announced it today at noonish.

They seemed to like the cruise ship idea to make up for lack of hotel rooms and are willing to give us a chance. $300 million dollar windfall for the host city.

7 years ago we didn't even have a team and now this......wow!


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), November 01, 2000


The teams will be the New Orleans Saints versus the Cleveland Browns.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 02, 2000.


The Saints ain't half bad, but the BROWNS???? They're worse than the Jags........well, at least we can claim victory over them so far this year.

Really, it doesn't matter who comes. It takes something like this to get our 'brilliant' city leaders moving to spruce this place up. And they certainly have a lot of work ahead of them in the coming 4 years. That side of town (ALLTEL Stadium) isn't where you'd want to raise your kids........but it has HUGE potential right on the water.


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), November 02, 2000.


Mind if we ship Al Davis back there to you? I think you owe him a kiss, or at least a firm handshake.

Sentiment for that chap is at an all time low - since he ditched Oakland for LA {Irwindale}, then left those folks holding the bag & headed back north to Oakland with the Raiders.

"Super Bowl bid for Oakland hurt"


-- flora (***@__._), November 02, 2000.


Al Davis?? The man scares me.......there's no way he doesn't have ties to the MOB. But I do like the 'just win baby!' attitude. The Raiders are looking pretty good this year too.

Isn't Oakland hosting a Super Bowl in the next couple years anyway? I seem to remember reading that somewhere recently which leads me to believe that's why the effort wasn't there for the 2005 game.

Read a couple articles in the Miami paper.......they seem to not like Jax very much but we're not sure if it's because of this or the fact that Dan Marino's last game as a professional ended in a 62-7 loss to the Jags last year in the playoffs.....:-)


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), November 02, 2000.

FS The Saints ain't half bad, but the BROWNS???? They're worse than the Jags........well, at least we can claim victory over them so far this year.

^^^^Here is a flag on that comment Deano.

The Browns are an expansion team. Give them time, they will KICK ASS.

A Cleveland Brown Fan and PROUD!!!!!!

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

Whoa sumer.....

Didn't mean to knock your Browns at all...

I hated to see Couch go down......always liked him at Kentucky. I have no doubt, if he stays healthy, Cleveland will certainly be back.

And 5 Super Bowls from now is a long way off.....I'm just excited for the home town breaking in to the big time.


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), November 03, 2000.


Happy to hear that the Bowl will be in your neck of the woods. As my sister is moving to Florida in a few weeks, who knows? I may just be there to watch the Browns WIN...hee hee :-)

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

No, no, no...the Buffalo Bills will emerge to embarrass themselves again!

-- Big (Time@Losers.com), November 03, 2000.

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