REFUSED FOR FRAUD across your ballot, the year 2000 elections : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

This election is a shame and everyone knows it. To allow the two party system to get a way with trying to legitimize it, is stupidity. We the people need to write on our ballots in big bold Capital letters across bush's and Gore's name REFUSED FOR FRAUD and then vote for the third party candidate of your choice. Send a message loud and clear that many of us dont like what's being played by the corporation govt.

-- Y2k aware mike (y2k aware, October 30, 2000


We the people need to write on our ballots in big bold Capital letters across bush's and Gore's name REFUSED FOR FRAUD

Ummm...ahh.. more fuzzy headed logic. Y2K aware will find many/most voting machines spitting back any ballots cast like this. They generally don't like 'extra stuff' written on 'em.

If more people would instead put just a little bit of thought into the real campaign issues and make a choice from one of the two leading candidates that are gonna do the least harm/most good we all would be better off than thinking up cute phrases on voting ballots.

However, if you are a Democrat I highly recomend you give your vote to Ralph Nader.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 30, 2000.

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