cofga gondolas : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Did the Central of Ga. own any low side gondolas? If so, when?

-- Stephen Cargile (, October 29, 2000


Stephen, the Central didn't own any low side gondolas of the Ertl type. The Central had gons of the USRA design but didn't appear to have drop bottoms. These were later cut down and rebuilt with steel sides. This would be the closest thing to a low side car on the roster. The original roster number of the USRA type cars was 17001- 17200. After the cars were cut down the number series became 16551- 16625. I photographed one of these cars in NS MofW service about 5 years ago that the Central monogram had been spray painted over. Todd Horton

-- Todd Horton (, October 30, 2000.

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