hey -- Halloween Party, anyone??greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Halloween party, anyone? I'm not going to be away for Halloween (for once) -- how about a blast-out party?What would be a good time/date for everyone? I want to be able to get everyone in Europe and Down Under to be able to make it, if they want to, along with the Americans!
Let me know what would be a good time, and we'll figure out a good party time for everyone to get together. Let's see who we can get to come out of the woodwork for an Exile Halloween Homecoming!
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), October 28, 2000
Oh, Laighe ... I'm so sorry to hear about the computer. Maybe ... maybe if we came and laid hands on it? BE HEEEALED!!!! [just kidding]Tell Terry to give you one of his good ones! [poking Terry]
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), November 06, 2000.
Dang it I miss everything... sorry Edit my computer has died and gone to visit my old record player in machine heaven. Hopefully I'll have it up and running online again in a few days. I'm temporarily using Terry's computer and checking things from work on my break. Sheesh! Oh well whine, whine, whine. Sorry my microphone was so loud last time. I hope I can get that fixed too. Anyway I'm finally going to buy a CDRW tonight and see if I can get all my junk restored to a couple of new hard drives tomorrow. Pray for me please. : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), November 04, 2000.