ABC PrimeTime 10/26/00 : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I was watching a report with Diane Sawyers on Prime Time and I noticed a couple guys with mini DV cameras shooting. I was pretty disappointed with the way it looked. Lots of camera movement and some out of focus shots, and as I mentioned seeing other camera people in the shots. And the sound wasnt very good. Although the story was very good I found the camera work distracting. Is this what the results of the Platypus are going to be? I'm not putting down the concept, it is something I want to learn more about, buy technically speaking, it wasnt a very good show. Just my observation.

Steve Fears

-- Steve Fears (, October 26, 2000


Steve I think I'ts the wave of the future. I don't get it either. My guess is it't judt another fad that will come and go!! I recently moved into beta sx,and love it.However I just bought a PD150 just in case ABC NEWS calls.

Hang in there HD TV is coming !!! Dv will have a hard time.


-- (, November 03, 2000.

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