Modem wanted : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

It is the gusettes birthday on Sunday, she is 13. As part of her presents I have given her a computer. All I need to complete the package is a modem. The m/board will not allow an internal one so it has to be external. 56bps of course. I will probably need the software as well.

I am not a tight git, I was going to get a new one, but thought that if anyone had one they did not need I would give them the chance to get rid of it.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000



-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Sorry mate....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Diamond supraexpress can get both int+external- cheap especially if you buy on an internet site- excellent, very popular modem. Modems can be VERY slow if you buy a cheap unknown one- they are not equipped with sufficient technology so have to use the motherboard as a resource, which slows it down.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

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