Problems with Badlands , anybody ? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi guys , I`m using TGMAME DOS version with A@H Frontend and don`t seem to be able to load Badlands. It simply resets. Now normally this would happen if I didn`t change my audio settings ( to Soundblaster ), on any other game. Any ideas ? Or if someone can direct me to where I can D/L a TGMAME version for windows ? I can`t find it anymore.

Any helped welcome. I`m off to try some more 'setting changes '.....

Cheers, AL

-- AL (, October 24, 2000


Should be loaded on the drop down menu on the header bar, under Old Versions of MAME.


-- Q.T.Quazar (, October 24, 2000.

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