You say Potato I say Potatoe, She says Seattle they say : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Gore's Daughter Suffers 'Fuzzy Geography' at Rally10/23/00
EVERETT, Wash. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore's daughter experienced a bout of what could be called ''fuzzy geography'' at a campaign rally, stumbling over a state capital lesson she said her father helped her learn.
Kristin Gore, 23, said at a rally for Gore that her father had helped her in many areas of her childhood -- comforting her when her dog died, attending her soccer games, and helping her memorize names of The Beatles' albums ``in chronological order.''
``He also was the guy who helped me study for my third-grade state capital quiz -- Seattle, I got it down,'' she said, clearly startling the large crowd. The capital of Washington is Olympia.
Both Gores let the error slide. ``More importantly,'' than the other lessons, Kristin said, ``he and my mother have taught my sisters and my brother and me the value of public service.''
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 24, 2000
Since I'm not going to vote for Gore's daughter, why is this an issue?
-- Norm (, October 24, 2000.
You have read the article. What you need to do now is comprehend the article. AL BORE is the one who TAUGHT his daughter that Seattle was the capital.Her own words: "He also was the guy who helped me study for my third-grade state capital quiz -- Seattle, I got it down," she said,...
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 24, 2000.
"No honey, daddy goofed's Olympia Not Seattle."![]()
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 24, 2000.
You have read the article. What you need to do now is comprehend the article. AL BORE is the one who TAUGHT his daughter that Seattle was the capital. Her own words: "He also was the guy who helped me study for my third- grade state capital quiz -- Seattle, I got it down," she said,...So, since his daughter has forgotten what was taught to her 20 years ago - this is Al's fault - and some sort of indication on the veracity of his abilities regarding the Presidency? You screaming meemies on the far-right are always good for a laugh.
Now compare that to the inability of Bush to articulate a few simple words...
-- Norm (, October 24, 2000.
Wow! Kristin Gore for vice-babe of the US!
-- (, October 24, 2000.
"So, since his daughter has forgotten what was taught to her 20 years ago.."I musta missed the part where she says she screwed up and just forgot that daddy really did teach her that Olympia was the capital. I did however read where she said daddy taught her that the capital of Washington is Seattle though.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 24, 2000.
"I did however read where she said daddy taught her that the capital of Washington is Seattle"Where did you read that? Or is that just another silly, brain-dead extrapolation that one expects from the right-wing?
-- Norm (, October 24, 2000.
Well, gee, maybe Karenna Gore should be whipped in the town square for making an understandable error that many, many Americans have made previously. Hey, right-wing MEMES, most of you don't have any idea when you're wrong about something, let alone how to apologize. The doomers are the last people who should be throwing rocks over "mistakes".Perhaps, as entertainment before the upcoming election, we'll get Shrubya Bush to not only name all states and capitals, we'll see if he can indicate the correct location of that state on a non-labeled map, live on national television.
-- Just another feminist (, October 24, 2000.
Which one malaprops most recently just aint important. Karenna could make me worry about the gene pool but then hell, every family has at least one.These "undecideds" worry me. Who are these people? Certainly none around here and that pleases.
-- Carlos (, October 24, 2000.
Who is "Karenna"?
-- Just another masculinist (, October 24, 2000.
What's a "masculinist"?
-- Patricia (, October 24, 2000.
Easy mistake; everyone in King County ignores Olympia. I think that folks in Olympia have to ask Ron Sims if they can use the restroom. :^) Or so it seems to me.Best wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 24, 2000.
I just looove big hunky masculinists.
-- (KarennaGore@Olympia.Somewhere_out_West), October 24, 2000.
"What is a masculinist?"I can't define it--all I know is that they make me lubricate like a grease gun!
-- (Lorelei@lubricious.lips), October 25, 2000.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Get a room
-- consumer (, October 25, 2000.
She was joking...Link
-- The Toner (, October 25, 2000.
Yeah right, she was joking :-)Um, yeah, and the 'check IS in the mail'
Anyone else?
-- consumer (, October 26, 2000.
LOL, yeah, and Bush really WILL give everyone a tax cut.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), October 26, 2000.