Clinton: "Use all available means to fill fuel oil storage tanks" : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Washington (Platt's)--20Oct2000

President Clinton has ordered all federal agencies to fill their heating oil storage takes early this winter to avoid a supply crisis, Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director Sally Katzen said at an awards ceremony at the White House Friday.

"President Clinton has directed federal agencies to use all available means to fill their storage tanks and contract for the purchase of distillates this winter as early as possible," she said. Katzen noted that buying fuel early and entering into long-term contracts with heating oil suppliers should minimize supply uncertainty. Senior cabinet energy officials had been briefed on the order during a meeting last week, said an OMB official. The US government purchased 6.4-mil bbl of heating oil in 1998, according to OMB.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 22, 2000


Bill Clinton, closet doomer?

Thought he was part of the "don't worry be happy" crowd?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, October 22, 2000.

Does this mean Clinton's national fuel policies aren't working? That is, if there ever were any :-)

-- Throw Da Bum Out! (, October 23, 2000.

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