greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread


Because power is something mere men/women cannot handle, God didn't give us any in His kingdom. However, because man's religion must have those with power, who can run *it* there will always be those who migrate to that position of authority and power. For there to be power there must of necessity be those UNDER that power...those who are forced to comply with the Powers-That-Be, through intimidation.

All God's children are ministers, priests, saints, the family of God whose head is Christ who received all power from His Father. The saints of God are all equal in His sight and Christ gave no one in the kingdom ANY of his power, outside of His apostles who were inspired.

When did man take over some of Christ's power for themselves? Paul said that after his death digression would come from among the elders to whom he was speaking. It wasn't long until that prophecy was fulfilled as a group of elders chose one of *themselves* to be the president of the groups, who in turn led the *worship*. Worship up til now was an individual matter, as the early Christians simply met together for interaction in small groups (could fit in houses.) Now formality comes in. Digression started.

There needs to be power in the world to counteract lawlesness...where physical weapons are needed and used. The power in the kingdom does not reside with man and his physical weapons, but in Christ and with His spiritual weapons...the sword of truth. Spiritual weapons have no power in the world affairs of men. The two systems are different, their weapons are different.

When the man-made power came into being the weapons used changed from spiritual weapons and took on the digressive weapons of intimidation. Rules were set up by the man-made power. The sheep were taught these rules early in life and those taught the rules were also taught that the giver of the rules derived his/their power from God to enforce the rules. Excommunication was held over their heads. They were taught to support this power financially and by their attendance at all assemblies set up by the Power. They were taught that if they withheld their financial support they were robbing God. They were taught that if they disobeyed the Power they were disobeying God. They were taught if they forsook the Assemblies assigned by the Power they were forsaking God. The sheep believed this. Their faith rested in the Power of men and not in the power of God's word. They had standing between them and their Heavenly Father, human power. Held over their heads was the threat of excommunication, which to their way of thinking would damn their souls.

God's call is for His people to throw off the man-made power and clothe themselves with the power of His Son.


-- nib Nelta Brock http://members.xoom.com/atlen/ Bible Discussion list: 1stCen-Christianity-subscribe@egroups.com

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2000



Scripture indicates that God gave a certain amount of power and authority to people in certain positions. The authority and power was given for particular reasons and was not to be abused -- but those "under" them were still to obey them. Submission to authority (yes, including human authority of all kinds) is a key concept in Scripture. This even applies to "ordinary church members" submitting to church leaders. See Hebrews 13:17. The fact that some have abused their authority does not negate the principle.

From this and some of your other postings, it sounds as though you have suffered personally from someone's misuse of authority. Would you care to talk about it? A discussion of these specific cases and of what should or should not have happened in these real examples might be much more productive than continually and dogmatically emphasising half truths about principles while ignoring what Scripture says on the "other side".

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000

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