What happened to the $40-50 /bbls Oil? Unleaded GAS is below May spikes. HUH?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

What CRAP. Market is down $FIVE USD since the war scare and below the previous spikes. But it goes up 63 cents and some MORON has to start a thread like its "News".

OPEC is MILKING the Energy market for every last penny and MORONS POST BULL SHIT ABOUT "its the refineries". BULL written by the same reporters who posted the YOURDON Y2k Views as "factual" no doubt.


Look at the prices of Unlead and Crude in a week: down as OPEC shorts and dumps on the speculators.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), October 18, 2000


Today's Crude prices. Looks like distance futures sold down a penny or so.

Click for chart
Session Pr.Day Options
Open High Low Last Time Sett Chg Sett
Nov 00 33.55 33.85 33.2 UC 33.55 15:41 33.48 +0.49 32.99 Call Put 
Dec 00 32.95 33.12 32.18 UC 32.6 15:40 32.47 +0.05 32.42 Call Put 
Jan 01 32.58 32.65 31.5 UC 31.95 15:41 31.91 -0.07 31.98 Call Put 
Feb 01 32.2 32.2 31.1 UC 31.5 15:23 31.48 -0.1 31.58 Call Put 
Mar 01 31.65 31.8 30.9 UC 31.1 15:36 31.08 -0.1 31.18 Call Put 
Apr 01 31.1 31.1 30.65 UC 30.8 15:31 30.69 -0.1 30.79 Call Put 
May 01 30.55 30.6 30.3 UC 30.4 15:33 30.3 -0.1 30.4 Call Put 
Jun 01 30.32 30.32 29.85 UC 30 15:33 29.91 -0.1 30.01 Call Put 
Jul 01 29.85 29.85 29.45 UC 29.6 14:24 29.5 -0.1 29.6 Call Put 
Aug 01 29.4 29.45 29.04 UC 29.04 13:23 29.09 -0.1 29.19 Call Put 
Sep 01 28.95 29.05 28.6 UC 28.6 13:24 28.68 -0.1 28.78 Call Put 
Oct 01 28.6 28.6 28.25 UC 28.25 13:23 28.3 -0.1 28.4 Call Put 
Nov 01 28.2 28.2 27.87 UC 27.87 13:24 27.92 -0.1 28.02 Call Put 
Dec 01 27.92 27.92 27.45 UC 27.55 14:59 27.57 -0.1 27.67 Call Put 
Jan 02 27.57 27.57 27.55 UC 27.55 12:34 27.22 -0.1 27.32 Call Put 
Feb 02 27.25 27.25 27.25 UC 27.25 10:48 26.9 -0.1 27 Call Put 
Mar 02 - - - - 14:34 26.58 - 26.68 Call Put 
Apr 02 - - - - 10:29 26.29 - 26.39 Call Put 
May 02 26.1 26.1 26.1 UC 26.1 15:44 26.01 -0.1 26.11 Call Put 
Jun 02 25.8 25.8 25.8 UC 25.8 14:49 25.77 -0.11 25.88 Call Put 

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), October 18, 2000.

You have it all wrong cpr,throw out your charts,forget all you have learned.The new paradigim is here!!!!

http://pub5.ezboard.com/fyourdontimebomb2000.showMessage? topicID=13622.topic&index=1

-- channel princess (df@easy.md), October 18, 2000.

---- Dead link, here's the text.Please sit down when reading.

Subject: Re: [ECON] WHO IS BUYING ALL THE GOLD OTHERS SELL! Posted By: iona (Registered User) Posted At: 10/18/00 7:11:02 pm From IP: This was the very question I was asking at gold investment forums over a year ago when I was told that I had been given a "red mark" by my name by the NWO, and received threatening phone calls by whom I suspected to be some dark ops CIA types. It is very involved and long to go into, but my conclusion at the time was that certain powerful groups within the NWO (Illuminati) were methodically acquiring all gold at firesale prices that had previously belonged to the various nations' citizens via their central banks. This was a key part to the Illuminati plans for enslavement of earth. Anyway, I do not believe for a minute that the US Government has been acquiring gold. Just the opposite. There are many goldbugs who have good reason to suspect that the US gold in Fort Knox was long ago stolen and moved into private hands.

There is another piece of channelled information from Goddess Venus about this issue. She says that after the international fiat banking system collapses, the financial system will be restored with a totally new design for credit and ownership, with a copper-based hard currency put in use world-wide. Both gold and silver will be critically essential for use in new technologies that will eventually solve the serious energy crisis that is now unfolding. Goddess Venus also says that the stolen gold will be rounded up from Illuminati vaults and returned to countries of origin. ---So once again, if this turns out to be incorrect, you can just say, "That Iona was sure one whacky broad."

-- channel princess (we@f.j), October 18, 2000.


BUT YOUR "FANS" HAVE SLIPPED OFF TO SLEEZ=EY's on a forum you are sure to LOVE...............TTFN

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), October 18, 2000.


Diane, don't think so. Don't look in much except when I have time to kill in hotels or airports. Seems that Iona doesn't speak for herself [I am not making this up] but for Goddess Venus [as I remember]. The last time I looked in at EZboard she had one of the more sane posts. You should see her other post today.

Go figure.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), October 18, 2000.

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