My Av's : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I can't get my av's to change. I have them, but it just won't work. By the way is everyone?

-- Ken Gowash a.k.a. WASHNGO (, October 17, 2000


And I thought I had problems! Did you recently reload the chat software? If so go look at my web site and read the bit about mood avatars. You now have to redirect the path to your stock and personal gallery in order to use the sets of mood avs that we all use. If you're talking about not being able to change any avatars at all then I have no idea what the heck could be wrong. Speaking about problems - my poor old computer is losing her hard drives. I guess computers become senile too. Until I get the old girl a couple of transplants or just euthanize her and start over again I'll be in absentia mostly. Let me know when you'll be online and maybe I can be there too and help you figure out the trouble with your avatars.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, October 20, 2000.

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