FRIDAY the 13TH Is...... : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Also a Full Moon?

Uh oh....Can the day get any better than that?

Do you have a favorite Friday the 13th Memory?

-- consumer (, October 11, 2000


Do you have a favorite Friday the 13th Memory?

I will if you ask me again this coming Saturday. ;o)

-- Bingo1 (, October 11, 2000.

Hee Hee I will await your answer Bingo.

-- consumer (, October 11, 2000.


-- (, October 11, 2000.

Peg wakes from dream...

Full moon AND Friday the 13th...hmmmm, again and again..LOL

And yes I do have a favorite Friday the 13th memory. I met my SOUL MATE on a Friday the 13th...13 years ago this coming Friday the 13th...that rates another (((((hmmmm)))))..ya think?

I have no idea if there was a full moon or not...but it would be interesting to find out.

-- Peg (what@re the .odds), October 11, 2000.

Cool story, Peg. I know there's at least one site on the 'Net where you can find out the phase of the moon was on any particular date in history, but I don't remember the URL. Sorry about that :-)

-- Patricia (, October 11, 2000.

Here you go Peg -


-- Debra (, October 11, 2000.

Looks like a half to three quarters to me...I think I'm relieved...LOL


Thanks, Deb and Patricia

-- Peg (, October 11, 2000.

Hmmmm...must not be sharable..Oh well, just take my word for it...IT WASN'T A FULL MOON...TGIF (almost)...

-- Peg (, October 11, 2000.

Yep, and if I'm not mistaken, Deb was the one who posted it.

(It's a talent I got from being privy to DP's World of Amazing Hingsight.....web site opening soon ;-))

-- Patricia (, October 11, 2000.

Friday the 13th is a full moon. Look at the following sites...

They both show that the full moon is on 2000/10/13 at 08:54 Universal Time.

-- (just checking@...), October 11, 2000.


'splain, please?...if ya can:)

-- Peg (, October 11, 2000.

Gulp! I have already arranged to have my car serviced this Friday. No wonder I didn't have to make an appointment!

-- David L (, October 11, 2000.

hmmmm...I wonder what the tinfoils on EZBoard think is going to happen this Friday.

-- (, October 11, 2000.

I'm an old tinfoil, smarty. I know something tremendous will occur this weekend. Just don't know quite what it will be. How's that for prescience? :)

-- Bingo1 (, October 11, 2000.

It also looks like a Wearwolf's Moon.

-- Lon Chaney Jr. (, October 11, 2000.

Yes, my best friend from childhood was born on Friday the 13th (September). Lots a good vibes for me, and much love and understanding in the way of friendship is what I connect with Friday the 13th. It will be pure magic, and much energy with a full moon in the still desert of Las Vegas.

-- Aunt Bee (, October 12, 2000.

Don't know as I could call it a favorite memory, but my daughter had reconstructive open heart surgery on Friday, June 13, 1986. She was 8 weeks old. BTW, the surgery was highly successful, but I was a wreck by the end of the day.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, October 12, 2000.

Well, you see, me own personal favorite "Friday the Thirteenth" memry comes from here:

You see, 'twas that "Miracle of the Sun" that the skeptics could never dismiss. 'Twere 70,000 people that saw it, you know.

Aye, but I'm hopin' for another one over Israel sometime soon. 'Might make those "nasty boys" on both sides think twice b'fore they do such bad things agin.

May God have mercy on all of 'em. They truly need it, as evry saint in Heav'n surely knows.

-- Mary Margaret O'Malley (hoping@for.heaven), October 12, 2000.

Mary Margaret,

Would ye be wantin to share some good cheer by the light o' the moon?

-- (O', October 13, 2000.

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