Maria Clemm's maiden name : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Maria Clemm is Poe's aunt. Is she from Poe's maternal or paternal side of the family. Is she related to Poe through his foster parents the Allans or through his biological parents the Poes? What is Maria Clemm's maiden name?

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2000



Maria Poe Clemm is the sister of Edgar Poe's father, David Poe, Jr. There were also five other siblings, John Hancock Poe, William Poe, Samuel Poe and Elizabeth Poe.

Maria Poe married William Clemm, Jr. on July 12, 1817 and they had three children, Henry Clemm, Virginia Maria Clemm and Virginia Eliza Clemm.


-- Anonymous, October 11, 2000

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