How bout them Mariners?!?!!! [Or "attention Ed Yourdon, your 'beruit' boys are about to go down!"] : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Just a few hours til the M's get their first win in the sweep of the "Beruit bombers"

heh heh heh....

-- SoDo MoJo (go@get.em!), October 10, 2000


Sounds like you just hit the vinegar stroke sonny.

-- spewbag (bombs@away.bang), October 10, 2000.

Well, I'm having a great time listening to our guys beat up on the Bronx Bombers...

I just want the Mariners to win their next eight games. That's all I want.

-- M's Fanatic (, October 10, 2000.

Fat Lou and his gang of over achievers are soon to be booking their sports bar reservations to watch the World Series. The possibility of the Mariners playing in the World Series is enough to give the network execs terminal ulcers. Nice run there fisherman but reality bites.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), October 10, 2000.

Just gotta say this.....


And now back to our regularly-scheduled Mariner-Yankees thread.....

-- Patricia (, October 10, 2000.


Quit following this after the strike. Have looked it up lately. Doesn't appear that the Mets have much chance over the Cards. Who knows why? The idea of an all NY series would be like the I-70 series. Like the olden days. Looks more like a Mississippi/Pungent sound series. We will have to see.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 10, 2000.

Will the Yanks tie it up in the 9th?????

-- Gotta Love It! (, October 10, 2000.

Exciting end, wasn't it?

-- Gotta Love It! (BaseballFan@you.know), October 10, 2000.

Great game for both teams and us fans. Seattle will look back on this game as their one fond moment.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), October 11, 2000.

heh heh heh.....

That's one.......

-- SoDo MoJo (go@get.em!), October 11, 2000.

Will tonight bring another 9th inning cliff hanger? Will the Yankees EVER score a run in this series? Will El Duque become El Dontque?

-- Gotta Love It! (, October 11, 2000.

Oooooh...HAHAHAHAHAHA...looks like we gotcha THIS TIME.

-- Gotta Love It! (, October 11, 2000.

The Bombers 7, the Fishy Guys 1. Over and out.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), October 11, 2000.

And the Mets aren't doing so poorly either..!

-- Gotta Love It! (, October 11, 2000.

A first grade teacher in New York explains to her class that she is a Yankees fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they , too are Yankee fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says, "Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?" "Because I'm not a Yankee's fan," she replied. The teacher, still shocked , asked, "Well, if you are not a Yankee's fan, then who are you a fan of?"
"I am a Mariner's fan" Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. "Janie, why are you a Mariner's fan?"
"Because my mom is a Mariner's fan, and my dad is Mariner's fan , so I'm a Mariner's fan too!"
"Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, "That is no reason for you to be a Mariner's fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom were a moron and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?"

"Then ," Janie smiled, "We'd be Yankee fans."

BTW, M's over NY, six games.

-- Da Moose (on@the.loose), October 13, 2000.

Da Moose

Dude!! That is hilarious!!!


-- Deano (, October 13, 2000.


Let's Go Mets!!!!!

Now, back to our regularly-scheduled discourse.

Moose, I heard that recently.....different teams, I think. Hilarious!

-- Patricia (, October 13, 2000.


Bring on the Mets. Or the Cards. Makes no difference.

M's, World series Champions.

It IS their year. Also the last year for this "era".

We're losing Bone, probably Senor Duble, Alex (if by some miracle of miracles the M's should lose the Championship [BG!]) Pinella will also be going. The last vestiges of the 1990 Mariner magic team will be gone after this year. It has been a great decade for baseball in Seattle.

BTW, in case you couldn't tell, I'm NOT one of the fair weather M's fans....been following since '77!

-- Da Moose (on@the.loose), October 13, 2000.

Da Moose is loose and surely jokin,

His heart I fear will soon be broken.

The Yanks will kick some ass,

The Ms in six will pass,

The Moose wont mind as he continues tokin.

-- You (know@who.aye), October 13, 2000.

Win Lose or Draw, you WOULD have to be a moron to be a Yankee's fan. The only reason they got this far is because of ex-Mariners anyway.


-- Mariners RULE (yanks@ll.drool), October 14, 2000.

Mariners RULE, meet the 'Rocket'.

-- One (more@to.go), October 14, 2000.


Back to NY.

I think the M's can win one, but two? I don't know....

Anybody else get the feeling these guys plan this to come out to the sixth or seventh game? I heard it was an extra 10 Mil per game for the stadiums.....

-- oops, still one (more@to.go), October 16, 2000.

Haven't said this in a couple of days......but.....

Let's Go Mets!!!!!

Bring on whoever..... (but a Subway Series would be sooooo great :-))

-- Patricia (, October 16, 2000.


-- Gotta Love It! (, October 17, 2000. I cheer for the Mets or the Yankees? Mets? Yankees? Huh? Well that sucks...I wanted a nemesis, not the kids next door. I'm sick of the Yankees..SICK I SAY! So...GO METS! HIGH FIVE PATRICA! WOOOHOOOO!

-- Gotta Love It! (, October 18, 2000.

You know, I'm sooooooooooooo tempted to go back to NYC for this one.....

Let's Go Mets!!!!!

(Fortunately, I've never been a Yankees fan, so there's no dilemma here ;-))

-- Patricia (, October 18, 2000.

Just want to remind you all.....[G].

Let's Go Mets! Let's Go Mets! Let's Go Mets!

-- Patricia (, October 21, 2000.

Best part about a Subway Series? at least one New York team is going to lose.

Course be swell for domestic relations if da-mets won the darn thing. So GO METS!!

-- Doc Paulie (, October 21, 2000.

Hey, at least he's not a Yankess fan. It's the only sport where we can agree on a team ;-)

-- Patricia (, October 21, 2000.

Well, gotta join Doc and Trish now and say

Let's Go Mets!

Anything but the Yankers winning again is now acceptable....

-- SoDo MoJo (didn't@get.em!), October 21, 2000.

One (more@to.go):

"Rocket, meet the MLB *fines* commitee"!!!!!!

-- Poor Sports (from@poor.sportsmen), October 25, 2000.

Poor Sports

Roger Clemons is listed as having a total annual income of over 39 Million Large which includes his 17 Mil from the Yankees. You will find that he will not be personally be paying this fine and he could care less either way. If the rest of America could acquire Rogers work ethic your grandchildren might have a better future than day manager at the nearest food franchise. In my opinion, Clemons is the greatest player at his position in the game and his intimidating manner is the envy of those that donBt have his cajones. Piazza is to be admired for having more sense than to go after the baddest ass ballplayer to ever suit up. I donBt really care who wins this series just as long as Roger chucks one more game. And if it happens to be in Shea Stadium you will not see the Mets going after him. He rules!!!

-- Two or Three (more@to.go), October 25, 2000.

A familar sound erupts from *Flushing* Meadows.

-- One (more@to.go), October 26, 2000.


-- No (more@to.go), October 27, 2000.

Growllllllllllllllll...................... (I hate that team.)

-- Patricia (, October 27, 2000.

You Buncha of Fools. Where did you "caught" to fling on the tail gate of those who came before you? You are NOTHING, unless You Stand Up, Your choice, you decide.

-- My Story (, February 17, 2001.

It took one year and a MARINER in a D'backs uniform, but the "beruit bombers" got whupped!

-- Da Moose (on@da.loose), November 06, 2001.

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