Internet Explorer 4.0 is supposed to have Java : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

but you are supposed to activate it. How do I do that? Please tell me. Taz

-- Taz (, October 10, 2000


CPR will explain to you with the greatest of civility.

-- Lars (, October 10, 2000.


My experience with IE 4.x was not good. Download 5.x, it is very good. Still I have trouble with java on some sites, like intellicast. I use netscape on those. IE 5.x is really the best thing going.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 10, 2000.

You should get 5 or 5.5. Much better.

Didn't mess with 4 much, but it's there somewhere. Play with internet options on control panel. I think there were 2 check boxes, one for java and 1 for javascript, maybe under advanced.

-- (go@with.5x), October 10, 2000.

Still use Netscape, and it is still the best. Every time I try to use Explorer it loads pages slower, gets hung up on java, and sometimes just locks up.

-- (, October 10, 2000.

found it and turned it on. Working fine. Thanks very much!

-- Taz (, October 11, 2000.

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