The Flash Front : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
What happened to the Flash Front Door for the digital journalist??
-- E. Saxton (, October 10, 2000
We spent a lot of time during the summer trying to come up with a better way to display the ever growing content on the content page. We were very proud of what our itern Jad Melke designed. We thought it was maintaining the spirit of The Digital Journalist, while allowing us to use state of the art technology.Unfortunatly, we quickly became aware that there was a substantial number of our regular readers whose computers were too old to allow them to download Flash. As a consequence, these viewers were litteraly locked out of the site.
Even though they may be a minority, our position is that we will never delibertly lock anyone out.
Eventually, we will be coming up with alternate editions of the Digital Journalist, one for broadband and advanced users, and the other for less advanced people.
The main thing is we want The Digital Journalist to be something everyone can enjoy .
-- Dirck Halstead (, October 10, 2000.