I-Author Question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

If this has been answered b4 I can't find it.

I obtained a copy of I-Author for evaluation. There is no documentation. As I am not familure with this program, the html stuff leaves me confused.

Does anybody know of a site that has a tutorial for this program? Don't want to buy it if it's no better than the software I'm currently using.

-- Leebo (leebosay@deathsdoor.com), October 08, 2000


try this site...


-- romeo (rrjuan@hotmail.com), October 09, 2000.

That link is not working.......perhaps u can upload the docs somewhere?

-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), October 15, 2000.


sorry, the site works!

-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), October 15, 2000.

No it doesn't :) It is case sensitive. Not Helper, it is helper!


-- Rusman E. Priyana (priyana@eudoramail.com), October 16, 2000.

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