How To Make Chapter Points w/VideoPack 4 - The Answer : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

This info is for VideoPack 4 Only!

This tutorial assumes you already know how to use VideoPack 4.0. Please do not ask me questions regarding the use of VideoPack 4.0 - This is NOT a tutorial for the proper use of VideoPack. Read the help file and your manual!!!

Mpeg source clip must be created with headers before each GOP (this is a function of your encoder or encoding software. Not all mpeg encoding software can do this. Zing and LSX can, Panasonic cannot!).

In VideoPack: Chapter points are made by assigning what is called "entry points" to the mpeg clip for each chapter point desired. Playback will begin from whatever "entry point" is highlighted when you click "OK" in the video play item properties box, which means that the one video clip must have seperate play item "node" for each chapter point. Again, if you know how to use VideoPack, you can figure out how to do this.

1. Create a container and enter it.

2. Create a menu node with one selection item for each chapter point desired.

2a. Give each button on the menu a descriptive name, corrisponding to each chapter point (this can be done later if desired).

3. Create a playlist node and add a video clip to it by selecting "Play item". 3. Assign the first entry point by clicking "play item" under "Properties".

4. Create another playlist node, add the SAME video clip to it, and assign the next entry point to it (under properties). Make sure the new entry point is highlighted then click OK.

5. Continue for each chapter desired (new playlist node, same video clip, new entry point).

6. Make each playlist node (mpeg clip) connect to the chapter list page after the clip finishes playing by dragging it's exit point to the chapter list page entry point.

7. Set the chapter list page "Repetition of the play item" to infinite (under "properties).

So far I can only seem to fit six buttons on a menu page. This means if I want more chapters I have to make several menu pages, linked by a "master" menu page.


Give each item "one second waited after each play item" (under properties). If making more than one menu, make a master menu and make it the "Time out". Then set the sub-menu's to wait 10 seconds before "timing out".

-- leebo (, October 07, 2000



I followed your instructions for creating chapters but while Videopack tries to make an image to burn the movie, it crashes with an error: Unable to create entry ENTRYxx within 2 sec. of the specified location (xx is an number and seems to depends on the number of entry points). Why is this?

Em Bee

-- Em Bee (, March 07, 2001.

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