Gore is NOT going to win the election!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

The tide is turning folks...

Tune in to Rush Limbaugh for the latest...

With the media on his side, Gore SHOULD be 20 points ahead...

People are starting to get wise to the media...

Even soccer moms thought Bush did better in the debates...

Gore was rude, condescending, smarmy...

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


As much as I love Rush....he's just plain wrong on this...BECAUSE....he puts way too much faith in the American people. He believes the voters are going to come out like "knights in shining armor" to turn things around. Ain't gonna happen.

Why?? Apathy. A recent non-partisan poll revealed.....49% of Americans....don't care. My guess is.....50% of that 49% are church people.

By the way....Connie is right on again!!

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2000

And Duane.....while they think Gore did better in the debate....they are still going to vote for Gore.

BTW....I just heard an interesting analysis of why people are going to vote for Gore.

They believe Gore is the bastain of liberal freedoms (sexual, abortion, et. al.) against what they perceive to be the "religious right" who will take those "freedoms" away.

And since, we live in a post-Christian era.....where they far outweigh the Christian minority.....they will have their way.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2000

Oh goodie.....

The blind leading the blind!

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

True Duane,

But, Gore will learn from his mistakes in the 1st Debate and come off much better next week. And the fickle Liberal voter will be more than happy to buy Gore's new Gobble-Di-Gook. That's the problem - there is no consistency in either the Liberal platform or in "Average Joe's" thinking.

And the media won't let up either. For example, the "2 Stooges" are in Orlando right now and all 3 network Noon news programs are focused there. No weather, no report on the problems the Space Shuttle is having, no mention of this morning's dead bodies that have turned up. Yet they also won't mention last night's Debate because polls here have Cheney winning by a 2-1 margin. Makes one want to turn the channel over to the Ricki Lake show (NOT)!

Like I said earlier, I haven't given up - but it is a very much uphill battle. And I'm ALWAYS up for a good fight!

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


The press ignores what is reality and spins it their own way.

I feel G.W. won the first debate, but the press influences the (non- thinking) electorate, just as though they were sheep. (The 'sheeple' as some say). They just keep repeating that Gore won it nad people start thinking he did.

Clinton taught that lesson very effectively when he claimed to have won in New Hampshire when he actually came in SECOND to Tsongas, I think it was, in the primaries of the '92 election. He just kept repeating that he was 'the comeback kid' and saying he had won, WHEN HE HAD NOT.

He has learned how to control not only OUR political system, but even helped Barak to win in Israel via James Carville.

I believe the timing of the RU drug and the shortage of oil has all been engineered by our beloved president. Because G.W. is an oilman, they figured this could be used against him.

The people are asleep and being entertained by 'bread and circuses' as in ancient Rome, which eventually resulted in its downfall.


-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

just testing this discussion group ...

-- Anonymous, October 09, 2000

It looks like since Gore didn't have a personality of his own, he has studied two presidents in making a composite personality to put before the people. He has taken the mannerisms of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, and blended them with the lies of Bill Clinton, the Great Prevaricator.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

I don't see the reason for all the fuss...there is fundamentally so little difference between Gore and Bush. They both cater to the corperate interests...and will accelerate the right-wing's war agianst the poor and needy. As Jesus said, "Blessed are the rich"...

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000


The poor and needy are OUR responsibility, ~ the church's ~ not the federal government's. (It's true: we haven't done our job, and that is why the government stepped in).

During the depression (I was alive then) the support system of neighbors helping neighbors was overwhelmed. Not many had much of anything.

This time, I am 'choosing life', but satan has this little secret weapon, RU 486.

There will be a 'paradigm shift' to a one-world government philosophy if the Democrats re-gain the House and Gore becomes president.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

Well, I don't know what you base your ideas on, but I go by what G-d says. And He says:
2.In the last days the mountain of the L- RD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
3. Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the L-RD, to the house of the G-d of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The Torah will go out from Zion, the word of the L-RD from Jerusalem.
4. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

Not that there will be only one world govenrnment, but that the Torah, G-d's Law, will be over the world. Israel, as High Priest and head of the Nations, will observe the 613 mitzvot of the Torah, while the rest of mankind will observe the Seven Laws of Noah.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

Oh, Alan,

You're talking about THE VERY END times, and I agree. There is a little bit of a mess to be dealt with first.

Like what one will find in Ezekiel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and all those guys. I didn't mention Revelation because you don't seem to think it has any validity. Even though much of what it says agrees with passages in the OT. (Tanach).

I believe Israel is still the chosen of Yahuweh. And that we have been grafted in.

The reason I am hated on this forum is because I don't believe baptism is a necessity for salvation, only [ONLY!!] the shed blood, death and resurrection of the Messiah, Jeshua. I'm one of those hated Evangelicals.

Do you know what you've stumbled into here?

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

Matthew 13:13-17: NASB

13: Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

14: And in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled which says, ...."YOU WILL KEEP ON HEARING, BUT WILL NOT UNDERSTAND; AND YOU WILL KEEP ON SEEING, BUT WILL NOT PERCEIVE;


[Capitalized in NASB]

16: But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.

17; For truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.


By the way, as I gather from another CC/CoC forum, they agree with some of what you say. They don't believe that MMLJ apply to Christians.

And then there are those who think that half of the NT only applied to the apostles, not the rest of us. And there is no Holy Spirit operative in our lives TODAY.

In other words, the NT is not for us. You might ask the ones here their opinions on those things.

It's already been discussed ad infinitum, but ~ What the hey?

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2000

CoC forum?

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2000

Yes, Alan, this is not a 'generic' Christian forum.

It is a 'Church of Christ', 'Christian Church', forum you are accessing.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000

Oh, and I forgot Daniel, [how could I forget DANIEL!?!] in that list of 'Tanach' writers who told us a few things about the end-times.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000


I don't know of anyone here who hates you. Why do you say such things when they are not true? Is your purpose to have us look bad? Is it to prejudice someone against our beliefs before we have had time to explain them?

And since YOU brought it up...could you please give me ONE, just ONE SCRIPTURAL reason for baptism?

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000

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