Another bad blow for The Paula and the Green Sheeple. Major Leader QUITS citing "hatred of Science" in Green Movement. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

                Founders of the Green Movement Bail Out
                One by one, the founders and icons of the environmental
movement have been bailing out, declaring it for what it is; a communist
front from the advance of socialism over capitalism in this new century and

                The latest is James Lovelock, 81, best known for his Gaia
(Mother Earth) theory.


 In the September 28th edition of the Telegraph, a
British newspaper, Lovelock says, "Too many Greens are not just ignorant of
science, they hate science."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..........nah....couldn't be.......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


In a recently published book, Lovelock likens
Greens to "some global over-anxious mother figure who is so concerned about
small risks that she ignores the real dangers" and expresses the wish that
they "would grow up" and focus on what he believes is the real problem of
"how can we feed, house and clothe the abundant human race without
destroying the habitats of other creatures?"
                Lovelock has not abandoned his environmental causes, but
does appear to have abandoned the Greens who sole answer to everything is to
find ways to destroy as many members of the human race as possible. This is
why Greens seek to have pesticides banned despite the fact they are our only
defense against the diseases spread by various species of insects or
rodents. This is why Greens are opposed the development of genetically
modified food crop seeds that would provide abundant supplies of rice,
wheat, and other agricultural crops by making them resistant to the insects
and weeds that attack them, as well as adverse weather conditions. This is
why Greens have opposed to creation of any new utilities to provide humanity
with the electricity it requires for a new technological age.
                Lovelock has joined others such as Patrick Moore, the
founder of Greenpeace, who woke up one day and realized that this
environmental organization was advancing a communist agenda to slow or
destroy the advancement of industrialized nations. He left the group in
1986. Lovelock says of him, "like me, (he) has an Orwellian view of the
environmental lobbies as they are today." Orwellian as in Big Brother, the
character in George Orwell's book, 1948, who controlled everyone's life.
That is the objective of the Greens and they have succeeded in many ways
over the past two decades.
                Today, Moore has devoted himself to debunking the worse of
the Green lies that have been foisted on us with the endless help of the
media. He recently participated in blowing big holes in the lies that the
Amazon rain forest was disappearing, noting that "only ten percent of the
Amazon has been converted to date from what was original forest to
agriculture and settlement." Agriculture because people need to eat and
settlement because people need places to live.
                In August, the scientist who, in 1988, is credited with
causing Congress and the nation to believe that global warming was a huge
threat, Dr. James Hansen, recanted his original warning about greenhouse
gases. Today he says that the warming over the past century was not mostly
driven by carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, but by other gases such
as methane and chlorofluorocarbons. It's worth keeping in mind that the
earth produces methane in huge quantities-millions of metric tons--from
decaying vegetation, from swamps, and other natural sources including
flatulent cows. So, in essence, all the talk and all the laws about air
pollution and curbing the use of coal and oil have little or no relation to
any warming because climatologists tell us there has been NO increase of
warming of the earth for well over fifty years.
                To show you how wrong the Greens have been, on September
24th, the Sunday Times, another British newspaper, reported that research by
the European Space Agency, using satellite and other astronomical data,
demonstrates that "earlier computer models severely underestimated the sun's
impact." The SUN! It's taken these geniuses this long to figure out that the
Sun heats the earth!
                This report was published at a time when Brits were
literally in the streets protesting their government's high taxes on
gasoline and oil, all imposed to reduce their use in order to protect the
United Kingdom from the prospect of a non-existent global warming. Others
throughout Europe have mounted similar protests. We're not running out of
oil, but we are being restricted from extracting it. Al Gore just announced
he would not let us access the l6 billion barrels that exist in Alaska.
                It's a comfort to see these leaders of the Green movement
bail out and attack the Greens for what they are, communists seeking to
attack capitalism with the lies of global disaster.

-- cpr (, October 05, 2000


OH.....and BTW.........please don't forget where.....ALBORE......was for many years about the Green Movement.

-- cpr (, October 05, 2000.

Anyone doubt this after seeing all those green buzzwords about "sustainability" and "redistribution of assets in a more equitable manner across the world"? (RIGHT OUT OF MARX and not Brother Groucho)>

It's a comfort to see these leaders of the Green movement bail out and attack the Greens for what they are, communists seeking to attack capitalism with the lies of global disaster.

-- cpr (, October 05, 2000.

I spent 5 minutes on the Green website before I realised they were commies in sheep's clothing. Make that Snail Darter's clothing.

-- Uncle Deedah (, October 05, 2000.

OK, Unc and CPR, which one of you do I call "tailgunner". I don't buy the commie crap. The ones that I know are just a bunch of fruitloops.

Not to be trusted with influence, let alone power. A lot of animal rights fanatics [my cats will vote against them]. Sort of a collection of fringe groups, some of which are very violent. The comment that is true, in my experience, is that they don't consider humans as part of the environment. Outsiders who can be sacrificied to save the "real" environment.

I guess that is why the Nader people here have made a point of saying that Nadar is not the candidate of the Green Party but the Candidate of the Association of State Green Parties [whatever that means; here they are the same people].

Just my experience.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 05, 2000.

What the hell does this have to do with Paula Gordon???

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 05, 2000.

You tell us KOSpin.

-- cpr (, October 05, 2000.

Here is clue one, brainless.


 In the September 28th edition of the Telegraph, a
British newspaper, Lovelock says, "Too many Greens are not just ignorant of
science, they hate science."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..........nah....couldn't be.......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


-- cpr (, October 05, 2000.


Yes, yes, now it all falls into place!! Of course! Of course! It is a CONSPIRACY between the ***DOOMZIES*** and the ***GREENZIES***.

Thanks to CPR's amazing ability to see through this UNHOLY ALLIANCE of the forces of evil, the world is saved YET AGAIN. (Hey, twice in one year. Not bad....)

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 05, 2000.

KOS: CEEP's a socially Unwashed but he aint stupid. Z's washed well but worries me on this subject. Oil? Drill 'em. Nukes? Build 'em. Recent SciAm article sez that alternative energy is a joke. They would take more energy to build and maintain than they produce. Bummer.

-- Carlos (, October 06, 2000.

cpr, when you cut and paste someone else's writing, it is seemly to give them credit. Who wrote this?

-- Brian McLaughlin (, October 06, 2000.

The Creep's meds are wearing off, he's turning rabid again.

-- (frothing@the.mouth), October 06, 2000.

Source unknown. It was sent to me by a fellow member of the Vast Right Wing Anti-Doomzie/Greenie Conspiracy. I assumed based on the style that it came out of the U.K. which is friendly territory for Airheads like Brian.

-- cpr (, October 06, 2000.

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