banana in US - totally OT : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Friday 6 October

A book on the banana in US history relates that they were probably first tasted by North Americans at Salem, Massachusetts, in 1690, boiled with pork. They did not recover from this culinary catastrophe for 200 years. =================== Just another OT morning Regards from OZ

-- Pieter (, October 05, 2000


That does not surprise me Pieter. The New England banana industry is one of the oldest businesses in America. In fact, bananas (and plantains for that matter) are one of our traditional Thanksgiving treats, and our children here in the US find great joy in carving faces on hollowed out bananas, then illuminating them with candles set inside.

Bet you didn't know that.

Return regards from USA,


-- Uncle Deedah (, October 05, 2000.


-- (, October 05, 2000.


tooo funny

-- consumer (, October 06, 2000.

Greetz Unc',

Always did want to know what you mob got up to with your bananas in your Republic....hehe...

As a child in Europe we raided the banana stock feed that were fed out to the dairy herds. Mounds of green banana turning yellow as much as could be eaten before the farmer returned. More than once we made a dash for the toilets afterwards.

Regardz from the Deep South of OZ

-- Pieter (, October 06, 2000.

Lets see: bananas. From Central America. To Boston. I do believe that there was this historical thingee call the "Triangle Trade" and that along the way, after the goods like bananas or sugar were unloaded, SLAVES were loaded at assorted points along the way.

-- cpr (, October 07, 2000.

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