Cherri Stewart needs your prayers : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Most of you remember Cherri as a regular here and in the old TB2000. Her father just passed away yesterday.

Please remember her in your prayers.

-- Concerned Friend (, October 05, 2000


Consider it done. You're in my prayers, Cherri.


-- Bingo1 (, October 05, 2000.


I know that your pain is heartfelt symphathy and prayers to you and your family.

-- Peg (, October 05, 2000.

Do you think prayers will bring him back?

-- (quite@miracle.wish), October 05, 2000.

My condolences Cherri.

-- CD (, October 05, 2000.

My thoughts are with you Cherri.

My Dad died a few years ago, I know it's not easy.

-- Buddy (, October 05, 2000.

Comfort for you and your family in my prayers tonight.


-- kritter (, October 05, 2000.

Cherri, my sympathy and prayers for you and your family.

-- Peter Errington (, October 05, 2000.

So sorry for your loss Cherri,my thoughts and prayers are with you.

-- capnfun (, October 05, 2000.

Condolences Cherri. Just went through it a year ago. It will get better.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 05, 2000.


I am so sorry for your loss. When a girl loses her daddy, it can be extremely difficult. I lost mine 8 years ago. My thoughts and prayers will be with you Cherri. Remembering all the special times and good memories, helps ease the loss. He will always be with you, in your heart.

-- Aunt Bee (, October 05, 2000.

Cherri -- I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers, as well.

-- eve (, October 05, 2000.

Cherri, I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope his passing was a gentle one.

-- helen (a@a.a), October 07, 2000.

I am saddened at the news Cherri, you are in my thoughts tonight. Hard to say anything worthy at a time like this, what you are going through makes all the rest of the stuff here rather trivial. Love ya.

-- David (, October 07, 2000.

I'm sorry for your loss, Cherri.