TmpgEnc/Virtualdub to remove blockiness? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Although my source mpg1 is captured at high rates (3000k), there is many blockiness. I want to encode it to VCD mpg1 (1150k rates).Do TmpgEnc or Virtualdub have the function to remove the blockiness?
-- Vincent (, October 04, 2000
From my experience blockiness is caused by dropped data which could probably be due to fragmented harddisk, low cpu resource, ram problem. try to solve the above & capture without preview.regards.
-- Foo Sze (, November 09, 2000.
In TMPGEnc select 'Configure' at the bottom of the main page, then select the 'Quantizer matrices' (tab), then at the bottom of this screen you will see 'special settings' section. I select em all when doing low bitrate video, (note the 'Soften Block noise' check box).
-- Stephen Castle (, November 30, 2000.
Since your source file is allready an mpg-1 it is HARD to clean it up. [sounds like you are capturing with a dazzle into mpg-1 and re-encoding it to mpg vcd specs] One way to help is use the noise reduction feature in tmpgenc. Put the middle setting at 3 or 4 and the top and bottom at 50.I have tried re-encoding an mpeg more than once (from a dazzle) The quality loss was to great and I might as well have been feeding the encoder an avi file. I went out and bought a good mjpeg card/ 2 45-gig hd and the difference was like night and day. Dazzle is good for computer mpeg movies, published on the internet, etc.., but will never look any good on anything larger than a 19" tv. [NOTE* The quality depends ALOT on the source. Use s-video if you can at all times! This alone can increase quality by 30+%]
-- Billy boy boy boy (, November 30, 2000.