Whoever is messing with TB one, STOP.greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I've noticed several attempts to sabatoge the old timebomb forum. Whoever is doing this needs to realize that they are threating the archives and the PROOF of fearmongering, FUD-spreading, A-holes used y2k to try and make a buck.It is one of the better "landmarks" in y2k hysteria. If you trash it, the doomer extremists just might pull it off the server.
TB one *needs* to stay just as it is, as a reference for future generations.
STOP the stupid attacks, jackass(s)!
-- (knock@it.off), October 04, 2000
It is a dead forum that now links to a new kult site. Big deal. Why would anyone care about it? y2k is OVER, who gives a s**t what the insane are doing now? Leave them alone to continue their queit and harmless insanity.
-- (I@gree.leaveit), October 04, 2000.
"Why are pollys so stupid????WHY???
Because they are..........
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.com), October 07, 2000.
I DID NOT post the above. Whomever did is an asshole.
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 07, 2000.
Yeah! I have my own troll now. For the record, I DID post the first response, I did NOT post the one directly above this one. The Sysop can verify this.
-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 09, 2000.
For the record, I DID post the first response,You got his email address wrong, as you've apparently learned. Good try, though.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), October 09, 2000.