DV500 AND PANASONIC/TMPGENC VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello: I have a DV500 in a PENTIUM II 350 and I don't get good quality in mpeg1 (VIDEOCD) as much with panasonic 2.51 as with TMPGencoder 12a for the captures by the ilink(IEEE1394) of a camera digital panasonic NV-DA1EN. The quality is it is not good compared with the one that I obtain if I make an analogical capture of a video VHS and bad compared with the one that I can get if I convert a file VOB (DVD) at mpeg1(VIDEOCD). Data of digital capture: 720 x 576 (pal) ITU.R 601 25 Mbits/sec DV Tipe 1 and 2 Some suggestion? Thank you
-- Ramon (rgual@wanadoo.es), October 02, 2000