Strange behavior : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

My 8 month old MC has exhibited a strange behaivior since she we got het at about 10 weeks. Sometimes she will 'scatch' the lenoliem floor in our kitchen when she is near her food dishes. She is not really scratching the hard floor as she does not extend her claes, she just makes like a wiping mothing with her arms/paws and always aropund the visinity of her food/water dishes. Its this a 'marking' behavior. She still does it now and then and usually when she does it she does not eat/drink afterwards. Anyone else MC do this? Is it a MC thing or a cat thing?

Marianne and Paul

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2000


This behavior is very common in MCs and cats in general. Yes, they are marking their food territory. All three of my cats do this.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2000

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