24 Hour XM-1 Repair?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I'm in great need of minijack repair on the XM-1 (PAL GL-1). Both the external mic. and headphone jack have taken too many hits and are virtually useless. I'm in the middle of shooting a doc. on DV and need 24 hour type service (like the kind you get from Toan at United Camera on the west coast). Unfortunately Canon is just too slow in the service dept. .

A brief note on the camera. Great picture. Lousy body. The camera is having a hard time holding together after three months as a second to the XL-1. The connections for making and monitoring pro sound are super delicate and almost impossible to protect if your hand holding most shots. Canon has a lot to do in the toughness dept. of both these cameras. We are holding and swinging these cameras like fine china, using gaffers tape to hold it all together.

-- Jonathan Greenfield (jonathan_greenfield@yahoo.com), October 01, 2000

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