orpheus -backgammongreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
hey, Orpheus! have you devised your own strategy on backgammon? Want to test it out sometime?
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), September 28, 2000
And when you test it out, i'd also like to be the 1 u test out ur strategy on. JAS
-- Jas B (goal__@excite.com), October 02, 2000.
My new strategy is so perfect, that I fear it would be rude of me to play such innocents as yourselves.......
-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), October 06, 2000.
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), October 10, 2000.
As I was saying, Oh Orpheus, you are a wonderment. I do think you should have a game with Goal and see how 'your new strategy' works for you. Do let me know the outcome, won't you?Best of luck to you both. After all, that's what backgammon is all about. ENJOY!!!
-- vava shagwell (Vavashagwell@hotmail.com), October 10, 2000.
Thanks for the kind encouragements Vava. And thanks doubly for devising that strategy that seems to work so well for me. Very kind of you to allow me to gain experience with it on your game board...lol. Goal, unfortunately, is in hiding. If she ever emerges, she will be well toasted with your strategy, I can assure you!
-- orph (orpheus48@hotmail.com), October 12, 2000.
Sorry Joe, i left in the mid of our game. Hope we meet again soon, cheers-JAS.
-- Jas B (goal__@excite.com), October 20, 2000.
Sorry I missed the match between Orpheus and Goal. I will hopefully be more perky the next time a game happens. I would like to see the two of you 'duke' it out..........LOLVAVA
-- vava shagwell (vavashagwell@hotmail.com), October 20, 2000.