IA - West Des Moines city hall phone service outgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
IA - West Des Moines city hall phone service out Posted at 11:24 on 09/28/2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone service at West Des Moines city offices went down Thursday morning.Officials at the Public Library, which houses city offices, the Public Works Department and the Police Department lost phone service at about 10:15 a.m. Emergency 911 service to the West Des Moines police, fire and ambulance services is still working.
Officials expect service to be restored within four hours.
These non-emergency police phone numbers are working: 222-3365, 222-3366 or 222-3367. E-mail addresses for city departments are also in service. Phone messages may be left for the fire department at 222-3420, human services at 222-3660 and emergency medical services at 222-3650.
-- Doris (groomlk@bellsouth.net), September 28, 2000