Converting still photos to : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm new to this so I hope someone can help. I want to convert my family photos which have been scanned as .jpg files onto VCD.I understand my Easy CD Creator software will burn the VCD if I can convert them to MPEG files.
Is there any freeware/shareware software that I can obtain that will allow me to create the MPEG files?
-- Richard Vizer (, September 27, 2000
There are programs available that can turn jpg to mpeg movies, but I wouldn't worry about that. Get yourself a copy of Nero 5 or WinOnCd 3.7 and you can send jpgs or bmps directly to a slideshow which is playable on your dvd player or as an html page on your PC.Tygrus
-- Tygrus (, September 27, 2000.
Where can I get WinOnCd 3.7?
-- Al McCraw (, October 02, 2000.
I tryed out Nero 5 and 6, but they are not working out. check out , but its not a free stuff, can any 1 help me to find any free stuf for this.
-- Anil Kumar (, April 30, 2004.