New APEX-703 3 disk changer info : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I finally said to hell with my Sony dvp-s360. It did play cdrw, but what a joke.

So, I went and got the new APEX-703, 3 disk changer!

It plays: cd cdr cdrw dvd vcd svcd mp3

It is one kick butt player. Other features include: zoom, pan and scan, and actual 5.1 surrond sound. These features are only normally found on a BIG DOLLAR player. If you look at most of the players out now you have to pay over $500.00 to get the 5.1 sound. This player, $229.00 usd at Circut City. & it holds 3 disks!!!! It has played everything I have thrown at it. Even homemade vcd's with video bitrates of 3000!

-- Billy, boy, boy, boy (, September 26, 2000


How about region unlocking and macrovision removing?

-- Jean-Luc Picard (, October 01, 2000.

hey has any of you found out how to disable the macrovison security yet, if so can you email me and let me know how at

-- trevor (, January 13, 2001.

APEX-703 3 disk changer


You can download a firmware update that adds a loophole menu to your setup

-- annonomous (, January 18, 2001.

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