Accessing VCD index points? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have used VideoPack 4 to create VCD's with index points (mpeg files must have sequence headers b4 every GOP). My problem is when playing the disk on either of my two DVD players (Apex and Pioneer), playback begins at the last index mark. Both players ignore the begining of the mpeg file and the previous index marks. Hitting |<< (reverse) does nothing. I have set the index points in Videopack using the 0:00:00 area under properties for the clip.Do I need to add the same clip repeatedly for each entry point I want? If so, will this actually record the clip repeatedly to the CD wasting disk space? Anyone know how to do this? (This has got to be the most asked question here, yet I have never seen the answer). Thanks.
-- Lee (, September 26, 2000
You want the mpeg to be track, not file, and no, it won't put the same file twice, wasting space. It simply points to the one mpeg. Also as far as I can tell, if you have the same audio file for several menus, it will use the same one.
-- bgf (w@w.orgy), September 26, 2000.
Thanks. Are you saying to burn the disk at Track at once?
-- Lee (, September 27, 2000.