Does the Matsui 110 play vcd's : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have recently brought a Matsui 110 DVD player and was interested to find out if the this DVD Player is has the ability to play VCD's.

-- Paul Alcock (, September 26, 2000


yes..Hi There is a hack to get the matsui to play VCDs , I have done this to my matsui and it works fine. Insert a MUSIC cd in to the player and press

Stop, Menu, 9, 1-All, Open

a menu will appear sayin Enable VCD 1-YES/2-NO

press 1

Vcds will now play


-- andydd (, November 12, 2000.

cdr's or cd-rw's will not work on the matsui 110 even if you enable the vcd option...i've tried if you manage to do it then e-mail me and let me know....thanx john

-- john (, December 23, 2001.

I have had both CDR and CD-RW disks play in my machine (VCD enabled) but it seems hit or miss specially with CDR's. In general it plays CD- RW's okay. I suspect that the manufacturer of the CDR disk has a lot to do with it so it is worth experimenting.

-- Ray Clarke (, February 20, 2002.

i know a way if that does not work, if you burn vcds in nero, instead of burning in vcd, burn in date with no MPEGAV this fools the player into playing it (works on any model)

-- hghh jjf (, March 11, 2004.

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