Nikon lens hood hb-7 vs hb-17 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Are there any differences between HB-7 and HB-17 lens hoods. HB-7 is recommended for pre AF-S 80-200 2.8 lens and HB-17 is for AF-S 80-200 2.8. Both lens are almost identical in terms of focal length and dimensions but the hoods are different sizes and shape.

-- Grand Unified (, September 26, 2000


Yes. The bayonet patterns are completely different. HB-7 won't fit on AF-S 80-200, HB-17 won't fit on non-AF-S 80-200.

-- Chuck Fan (, September 26, 2000.

Progress have not reached a point where HB-17 and HB-7 can be satisfactorily be described as the same.

-- Standard Model (, September 27, 2000.

Thanks alot.

-- (, October 02, 2000.

If I'm not mistaken, the HB7 was for the one touch zoom 80-200mm and the HB-17 for the two touch version. FYI

-- Dave (, April 15, 2001.

Damn! I have the wrong hood...Or is it the wrong lens? Well, actually I have the latest two ring non-afs w/ tripod mount 80-20blah blah blah. And hb-7 fits perfectly. It seems the afs lens is slightly bigger with outside diameter, and the bayonet is a different pattern. Yes, I long for a pretty flower shaped hood myself, but this seems Nikon's strategy into having us buy the AFS I guess.

Johnny t

-- john tomljenovic (, March 11, 2002.

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