How to make a menu with NERO5.0. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Richa did a very good web to state how to create menus with EZCD in a step-by-step way. If any one did similar thing with NERO5.0. It looks NERO has better functions than EZCD4, but I can not get a way to make memus. Please help! Thanks.

-- DR (, September 25, 2000


Even the latest version of Nero does NOT support menu driven Video CD ver 2.0, only straight play. The one concession to that by Nero is the slideshow. Nero may yet put out a version that will fully support menu-driven VCDs, but for now your are better off using WinOnCDPE3.7, for example.

-- MT (, September 26, 2000.

veeau nero

-- mogaja petru (, March 26, 2004.

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