Help for TmpgEnc filter to reduce blocky : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My VCD file produced by Pinnacle MP10 have much blockness. I try to use the filter while converting by TmpgEnc as below. But the result is not good. Here is no miracle!

Video/motion estimation = highest quality Advanced/noise reduction = enabled (maxium) as below: Spatial at 100 Range at 4 Temporal at 100

Matrix/Soften macroblock noise = enabled by default

The picture is blur but the blockness is still heavy.

Can you help?

-- Vincent (, September 25, 2000


Hey Vince your heavy bloackiness might be due to more so at what bitrate your cpaturing at with the pinnacle. I own the mp10 (as well as a dazzle) and to get good results with them you have to cpature at a bitrate of 2900, THEN run this into the tmpg. i have the macor soften checked as well as the dgc floating pijnt (on the same page as the macro sofen) and i set that anywhere from 90-100. the noise filter You should set roughly at range at 2 (or 3 if it is bad quality) and the other two i always keep even (what i make one, i make the other) and set them anywhere from 25-100

-- Doug (, September 26, 2000.

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