Extracting Audio from raw video files (mpeg, avi)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anybody know a way to extract the audio only portion from a raw video file? Is demuxing the only way and how would you get that file into wav or mp3? Can anyone recommend a good program to do this.



-- Tygrus (tygrus2000@hotmail.com), September 22, 2000


Hello Tygrus,

I used Adobe Premiere to extract audio from a raw video file. Just put the AVI file to the timeline; delete the video clip portion from video track leaving audio clip alone in audio track. Then, export the audio clip as WAV file.

For VCD(DAT file) and MPEG file, please use VCDCutter v4.03 (http://vcdcutter.yeah.net) to convert DAT or MPEG file into MP3. Look at the tools menu of this program.


-- Beni K. (b_kartono@hotmail.com), September 22, 2000.

First off virtualdub ( http://www.pair.com/vdub ) is much easier for extracting wav from avi and it is free.

For mpeg just use vcdgear ( http://www.vcdgear.org ) to rip the track from the VCD ( if that's what you have. Then use tmpgenc ( http://www.jamsoft.com/tmpgenc ) and use file/mpeg tools/basic demultiplex feed you mpeg to it. The .mp2 or .mpa audio file can be played with most media programs. Any good .mp3 encoder can convert it to .mp3 and winamp can convert it to wav.

Good luck

-- eric (eric@nospam.snowmoon.com), September 22, 2000.

Soundforge is also very good for extracting sound thissound program lets you run in avi and mpeg and once its run in all you haveto do is save it as a wave (or whatever and its done) for me a 30min file takes less then 2mins to make a wav

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), September 26, 2000.

But what if I want to rip a compressed audio track from an avi ... Don't ask me why ;) .. I wan't to! ... so I wan't simply demux the avi file ... anybody knows a software to use for that? Thx in adv

-- Ed (edgar.soldin@web.de), September 09, 2002.

Here is what I do...

1. Open the AVI in VirtualDub 2. Make sure audio is set to "Audio:Direct Stream" (the default) 3. Do "File:Save Wave"

The resulting file is actually in the original format (i.e. mp3 etc.) If you want to convert to an actual wav file (not just mp3 with .wav extension) you would select "Audio:Full Processing Mode" before saving the wav file.

A great program to convert an MP2 or MP3 to a wav file and vice-versa is SCMPX. (Also, if you need to compress as wav file to an MP2/3 and reinsert it using VirtualDub, SCMPX will optionally add a wav header to the MP2/3 file so VirtualDub can read it.)

-- carl flores (cflores@wanderingeyeprod.com), January 15, 2003.

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