where can i buy a video cd player, not dvd player?plz

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i am in california right now, looking for a video cd player, i want to take it to my country. i am not interested in dvd players. please let me know the stores or online deals for video cd players

-- anupam sangal (anusangal@hotmail.com), September 20, 2000


email izsupt@yahoo.com as they have good deals on vcd players and vcd/mp3 players. they accept money orders, personal checks and cashiers checks

-- connie cheung (conniec@hotmail.com), September 20, 2000.

What system your country is using: Pal or NTSC ?

-- (warwick_wong@yahoo.com), September 20, 2000.

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