New! Y2K discussion : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I've lurked this forum since its inception
but have refrained from posting more than
a few comments. Recently there has been
a discussion about how to deal with having
a poster dilute the quality of the threads.I've opened a new forum "Y2K discussion group"
on Lusenet. It is password protected to keep
out known and future disrupters. Hopefully this
will give a place for people to discuss the
relationship between the events that are
happening and the Year 2000 problem. All personal
experiences from the workplace will be welcome.
This forum will not be censored.Please request the password by e-mail.
-- spider (, September 18, 2000
This forum will not be censored.It's not censored, but it's password protected?
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 18, 2000.
hmmm, right. But I hope for the best.
-- spider (, September 18, 2000.
Um, Spider...Dude, Y2K is over. Time to move on. Really.
-- Yeah Right (Ahhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), September 18, 2000.
what of those who do not wish to present their email addy to you?
-- (all@in.the game), September 18, 2000.
what of those who do not wish to present their email addy to you?Well you can always post your comments on
the "TB2K spinoff uncensored" forum. :-'
-- spider (, September 18, 2000.
Ed Yourdon's Ez Board is password protected. Isn't that the reason all of you refuse to go there because it was "censored?" Hmmmmmm, this is the only time I've really agreed with you. Before LL came along on the old TB2000, things got hectic but never out of hand. LL rides off into the sunset and now we have CPR (the two are really one). She was the reason TB2000 was broken up, and CPR and all the other Debunkers had the biggest laugh. Isn't it ironic, perhaps even prophetic that the "uncensored" forum here is about to go under because of the likes of one Debunker, CPR? And isn't it ironic that the Debunkers loved CPR and congratulated him on his endeavors. What happened to all of his friends? The Y2K game is over, life is good.
-- old timer (oldtimer@oldiebutgoodieeeee.xcom), September 18, 2000.
Before LL came along on the old TB2000, things got hectic but never out of hand. LL rides off into the sunset and now we have CPR (the two are really one).^^Actually they are MANY. Thanks old timer for pointing this out as many have not caught on just yet.
-- (, September 18, 2000.
I don't post on the EZ board for a different
reason.This board does not offer a good forum for
such a discussion. Using a password is the
only way that I can think of to keep those
who are obsessive disrupters from making it
difficult to communicate ideas.peace
-- spider (, September 18, 2000.
You don't know me from the next person. Remember all the different forums that sprang up after TB2000 dismantled? If I recall, a few of them were password protected and the only one I know of that still is active today is Yourdon's Ez Board. He had quite a following, many are still actively participating at EZ. Good luck in trying to recapture the spirit, but it's really time to move on. Bok's chatroom is a good place to rehash old times, but even there the flaming can be brutal.
-- still anonymous (stillanon@stillanonnn.xcom), September 18, 2000.
Surely there must be SOMETHING more interesting to discuss.
-- (history@is.history), September 18, 2000.
No "password" here. I stand Firm....
-- My Story (, February 09, 2001.
I pray, also.I reap a Healing on the state of California. to resolve their engergency crisis. lest it affect us all.
-- My Story (, February 09, 2001.
It is still amazing to me, how words from one conversation can "leap" over into a totally unrelated forum. I had dinner, last night with a group of totally unrelated backgrounds. A Quasi Electrician, a "Supposedly" Computer person, and three Auto Mechanics. Which one can you guess, knew the most, about their profession? The Auto Mechanic did, They know the sounds, the effects. They can "Lay Hands" and correct a mechanical problem. Mean while, I persist, without Mercy, to these computer geeks. I ask, "Why" can't you Know All. like the Mechanics. The message I receive, from their lips, is they are seeking to build an empire, without compassion. I say, Boot, Them Out!
-- My Story (, February 11, 2001.
good luck, spider! ezboard is so FUBAR at the moment (actually many moments in the recent past) that you may harbor the last refuge for the True Believers. alternate sites (homes) are being seriously considered, but it might be too late.
-- bigwavedave (, February 26, 2001.
The Cleft is still here, too bad you took so long. Was you faith, weak?
-- My Story (, April 20, 2001.