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The Farce of Elections: Why the Republicans Will Probably Lose

by Michael Peirce

Joseph Farrah and other commentators have been roundly criticized by their conservative friends for slamming Bush Jr. Yet what choice is there? We can pretend Dubya is a conservative as long as we can sustain the fantasy, but the truth is quite the contrary. He is just another shill for the power-mad usurpers who have dragged this country into a moral and political quagmire.

I believe Bush will lose the election for that reason.

How can the Republicans lose? Perhaps we can quantify the reasons by considering why many freedom-loving people think he should win, and identifying some paradoxes.

1.Americans are sick of the Democrats and their filthy, treasonous, immoral, and downright disgusting ways. There is some truth in that. Yet ask your friends and relatives, particularly any you may have who might vote Democrat, what they think about it. Its a dismal feeling when you realize that many of us in no way associate the behavior of those people with treason despite the fact that many of them have held office where they stood up and swore to defend the constitution of the United States. They instead do everything in their power to circumvent it. If that is not treason, we better stop using the word altogether.

So how do they get elected, how can anybody vote for them? Perhaps the answer is in one of most egregious lies of all, the lie of "tolerance." Everybody has a right to his own opinion, right? As for morality, whose business is that? Never mind that the public school system is teaching a moral code based on that of Sodom. Disgusting? What is the harm of associating with pornographers, homosexual activists, and prostitutes? Arent we an "enlightened" society? And we who consciously exclude ourselves from this degraded culture, will we not eventually be coarsened by it, simple because of our immersion in it?

2.Clinton has disgraced the office so badly that so-called "Clinton fatigue" will give Bush the momentum he needs to take the presidency by storm. Really? Guess again folks. Gore is not the only person in America who thinks Clinton was a great president. Its time to face the fact that Patrick Buchanan was spot on when he said we are engaged in a "culture war," and it is of epic proportions; and that plenty of folks come down on the other side. The victor will dictate (literally if the left wins) just what kind of country this will become. We have had a taste of it already. Boy Scouts are bad, homosexuals are good. So long, two thousand years of Western morality.

3.Bush comes from a good family, and his dad was a good president. And to those who believe that, there is little I can say. His dad is everything he claimed Sadaam Hussein to be: a ruthless, militaristic aggressor. A liar. A man who was quite willing to play the game of politics and accommodation; who never once considered the constitutional implications of his actions. George Sr. in fact, was Bill Clinton version 1.0. He used the military to pursue a personal vendetta in Panama. He betrayed his erstwhile client state, Iraq. He used the US military as security guards for his oil industry buddies, just as both Dubya and Gore intend to do. Yes indeed, the acorn didnt fall far from that particular tree.

4.Americans long for a man of character to lead them. Right. So why arent there any in the race? When has Dubya shown any character? Do you want your son to go to war under command of that smirking pretender? How is he preferable to Gore? Which one of the two has suggested we bring the troops home, and reassign them to their natural role, which is to defend this country, period the bloody end! Neither of them! On the contrary, Bush Jr. and his people are promising more of the same  and plenty of it. Dubya was right on board with the horror of Kosovo. Has he complained about our bi weekly bombings of Iraq? Has he mentioned the mass murders at Waco? Has he spoken an unkind word about that those ridiculous and sinister enemies of freedom who parade around the United Nations building in those silly costumes, posturing for the cameras, and reaching for your wallet? Character? Yeah, hes a character alright.

And do we really want a "leader?" Try using the German translation, "Fuehrer," and see if you really want that. A presidents role should be merely to preside over a Constitutional republic.

5.Clinton has harmed our national defense and Bush has promised to restore our military capability. But really, what has Bush promised? To spend more money on the military. Not to kick the sissies out, not to de-feminize it, not to purge the "perfumed princes," not to bring it home; simply to spend more money on it and make it "tougher." Do we want a "tougher" military in the hands of such of man? I dont

6.Our public schools are in big trouble and Bush will fix them. I submit that the real problem is that we have public schools at all. It gives the forces of tyranny an unprecedented ability to propagandize our children and destroy their moral balance. Bush may indeed, make the schools more "effective," but that is the last thing we should want.

7.Americans are sick of "big government" and want an alternative. I question that premise  Americans spend most of their time whining and holding their hand out for alms. They may be sick of taxes, but they are hardly sick of reaching into each others pockets when it comes time for their hit at the trough. Besides, Bush is in a bidding war with Gore to see who can spend the most of our money buying our votes. Both of those pathetic men claim that their expenditures will come out of the "surplus," and Americans nod their heads in bovine appreciation of this chance to revel in the fact that they can have something for nothing. Yet where is this "surplus"? If we have a national debt in the trillions of dollars, we most certainly do not have a surplus. Try paying todays bills out of tomorrows money; trot right on down to the grocery store and try it. "Ill get straight with you when my tax return comes in!" Un huh. It doesnt work that way folks.

8.Bush will cut taxes. That statement is so ludicrous its not even funny. Have you listened to any of his speeches? How do you cut taxes while increasing expenditures? Just what federal programs is he planning to cut? Just let the list roll right off your tongue. It wont take long.

9.Dubya will protect our Second Amendment rights. Yet has he said so? Upon what do we base that assumption? He has not spoken out for the unborn babies who are ruthlessly murdered routinely, in numbers that should shock us. Does he really care for you enough to fight for your right to defend yourself when he wont stand up and shout his defiance to the abortion industry ? Dont bet your life on it.

10.We cant risk letting a Democrat make Supreme Court selections.

To which I say, "Ha!" The supreme whores, for what else are they, are almost as responsible for the cesspool in which we find ourselves as those pitiful creatures who make up our Congress. In a country ruled by lawyers and judges, where the votes of the people who voice their will in the millions, can be over-ridden by a single piece of human trash in a black robe, how can we pretend to care which poser appoints the next couple of rubber stamps to an office that should have been purged decades ago? Those stables need to be swept clean and if we dont do it soon, we will find ourselves in a mess from which we may well never extricate ourselves.

Have you noticed lately how both of those freedom-hating posers have insisted that the contest for chief usurper of the United States be focused on what they presume to call "the issues"? There are issues all right  but the only issue that matters is not being addressed by either of these pretenders. The very issues they wish to discuss are un-constitutional by their very nature! Social security! Public education! Day care! Paid prescriptions for the elderly! Military aggression and projection of power throughout the world. Show me please, what part of the constitution authorizes the federal government to even address such issues?! Or how any of this is in keeping with the intent of the framers?

It appears to me that Bush will lose. Im not particularly happy about it, since our freedoms will certainly erode even faster under Gore. Yet the very things Bush needs to do to win, he dare not do, because he is part of the problem and it is his intention to sustain the status quo to the best of his ability. He cannot violate the Constitution routinely and still rail against the Democrats for doing so. He cannot pledge additional pillage of the nations taxpayers, and still claim to be a tax cutter. He cannot come out in favor of a strong national defense profile when his projected policies include doing the very things that put this country ever more at risk of war. He cannot speak of character when he has yet to make a speech about the ongoing horror of infanticide or the moral degradation of homosexuality! He panders to the civil rights pimps just as Gore does and it wont be long until we see him swaying rhythmically to the music of the choir in some black church, arm in arm with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, promising more money to those betrayers of their own race.

In short, the contest is not about clear alternatives. No, this election is to determine which side of the same coin wins the toss. Gore, pitiful and indeed, laughable as he may appear, will probably win. Why? Because he is, by dint of experience, a better Democrat than Bush, and they are both running as Democrats. This is more like a Democratic primary than a national election. Which communist do you want folks? Its rigged so you will most certainly get one, so pick that one who is sexiest, or has "gravitas," or offers you the largest amount money looted from other taxpayers at gun point. Thats all the choice you get.

The blood of the unborn is on our hands. We are accessories to mass murder. Our greed and immorality have approached truly Sodomesque proportions and one sees similarities to the last days of the Weimar Republic as we immerse ourselves in wickedness. Yet there is always hope. Unlike many, I was not dismayed when the whores of the government and media chose the Boy Scouts as their target. I welcomed it. Americans are deep sleepers. It takes a mighty loud alarm clock to wake em up.

Al Gore may well deliver that wake up call that we have longed for. He will take our guns away, and sell dead babies and body parts by the bushel basket, and get our cars off the road and drag us back to the cities to live in his carefully orchestrated communities where there is no "urban sprawl" and we are all equal and tolerant in the brave new world of the future. All that and more. Will it be enough to wake those Americans who have been snared by the "strong delusion" of government? We will see.

It must be noted, that evil is ultimately, and always, directed towards the children. Clinton is right on that one, even though his motives are not as stated. The homosexual activists want your kids. The state wants your kids. The public school system is preparing them for this. Think real hard on that. There was a time when sexually assaulting a child meant a quick hanging, and well it should. What happens now? Who is responsible? We are. We left the door open and something awful walked in, cheerfully whistling a dirge.

Consider this scenario: you are going out of town for the weekend. Your daughter is staying at home and your choice of babysitters is Bill Clinton or Robert E. Lee. Who would you choose? Then consider which one of these people is portrayed by the public schools and mass media as a villain and which as a hero. And dont forget for one moment which one of the two is head of the government which controls what your children are taught in school. Get your kids out of those schools as fast as you can!

This is a deadly serious game and we are losing.

A suggestion: Boycott this stinking electoral farce. Stop tolerating these vicious idiots and take your country back! Stop settling for the "lessor of two evils" and break the ties that bind. Kiss this farce of a Union off at last, and return to the ideals that once shouted the word "freedom" to a world that at its worst, was no worse than that mess we ourselves have become today. No King of England ever kicked us around like these wretches do. Stop giving your lunch money to the bully  stand up and punch him right in the chops. Its time. Do it for the children

September 18, 2000

Mr. Peirce fought with the Rhodesian freedom fighters (the Ian Smith side, of course).

-- Of Historical Interest Only (Publius@Yes.Now), September 18, 2000

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