Still online A Y2k POLL. Take the test. HOW BAAAAD will it be. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


take the test. see the "results" of over 600 Zombies. LAUGH AT THEM. Then ask, why is this BS not mentioned on the Owners' Home page anymore but he still stays in the Y2k RING?

-- Doomzies-Be-Them (, September 17, 2000




Last Updated September 22, 1999

Doomsayers, Survivalists, Wackoes and Others

Utne Reader's Y2K Citizen's Action Guide They believe that Y2K will issue in a great new chance for socialism.
Ken Holder's End of Civilization as We Know It An Ayn Rand afficionado.
Welcome to My Nightmare A large site with much information and links as well as a Christian perspective. Has been down recently.
Bomis Libertarian Self Reliance A huge site with many lists as well as lists of the first 100 items that will disappear on the Panic of 1999 and many other subjects.
Ted Derryberry's Personal Y2K Links A great site for lists of basic survival needs. Good for natural disasters as well as Y2K.
Captain Dave's Survival Center and Preparedness Resource A vendor who will sell you anything you need.
Candace's Y2K Net Family Large site based in Carthage, Missouri(near Joplin). She also sells survival domes.
Online SURVIVAL Magazine Seems to have gone offline recently. Will check in periodically.
Thing s fall apart... a novel of the future Not exactly about Y2K, but still is a survivalist story online.
Y2KChaos: The Y2K Survival Site An emphasis on contingency planning. Also a vendor with non- hybrid seeds and other equipment. A site for women by women. I guess you just need to get in touch with your feminine side.
Transforming Y2K More warmed-over socialism.
Survi valism and Safety Includes a link to Kurt Saxons Page as well as anti- government pages.
L ycos Survivalist Page Page of survivalists on the net.
Emergency Preparedness and Survival Links Emphasis on guns and other survivalist practices. Includes many videos on Y2K, UFOs and the fact that the Apollo moon landings were a hoax.
Texas Gulf Coast Area Y2K Awareness Page A small page for those that live on the Texas Gulf Coast
Troubled Times A truely bizzare page proclaiming that the real threat to the world is an asteroid that will hit the earth in 2005.
Y2K Stormwatch Offers links and soon to come a FREE 1200 page Y2K Manual that you will be able to download.
The Frugal Squirrel Page Very large site for patriots, survivalists and gunowners'.
Survival Net 2000 Large site also with emphasis on UFOs and government conspiracies.
Waltons Self Reliance/Information Area Major vendor of feeds with links to survivalist and Mormons.
Y2K Survival Center As well as having a concern with government conspiracies also has links to articles on building a greenhouse, and similar areas.
Lone Star Emergency Preparedness Limited Vendor.
Y2K Now A large site voted 'most user friendly Y2K site.'
How- To Survival Library A large ibrary on a wide variety of survival topics, ranging from hand pumps to gardening.
Bizarre stuff you can make in your kitchen Absolutely, positively and totally COOL
Prepare4Y2K Has a collection of articles on Y2K and preparedness. A libertarian site
Y2K Prepare A vendor site that will even sell you special 'Y2K Soap.' You can even download Gary North interviews
Y2K Approaches Broadcast Live Year 2000 Centre Mainly a vendor site.
Ten Packs for Survival Good for your bugout.
Reptilian AssociatesYear 2000 Information A large site with an interesting homepage as well.
Apocalypse Now, No Really A Coast to Coast Guide of America's Millennial Chicken Littles. Great collection of wackoes.
dutch oven cooking The Art of Dutch Oven Cooking. With recipies.
Backwoods Home Magazine Online Many great articles on living with no technology.
Bad Links The conspiracy theorist from hell. Actually a British socialist who is into "communal living."
Y2K Women "What every woman needs to know to keep her and her family safe."
Y2K and You
Survival- A Beginning Links to survival information/.
Justice Johnson - Judicial Fascist of the Month I plan to start a page just on this subject.
Rocky Mountain Survival Group A huge information clearing house on preparedness covering everything from everyday urban preparedness to wilderness survival in all types of environments.
Tick Tick Tick A quarterly newsletter.
Y2K Family Survival Center Mining company
The Urban Survivalist Download previous issues of the newsletter.
The Survivalist A newsletter site from Florida.
Mike Mercer's Y2K Crisis Page A programmer's prospective.
Libertarian Self Reliance Article and Home of the Libertarian Y2K webring.
The Y2K Site Dedicated to Y2K preparation and survival.
Y2K Women - Dear Karen She answers questions.
Citi es Snapping Up Generators for Y2K A News article.
US Prepares for Possible Y2K Violence A News article.

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-- Doomzies-Be-Them (, September 17, 2000.

-- (i@love.shapes), September 17, 2000.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 17, 2000.

I realize that you probably won't listen to this, but I feel I must try anyway. CPR, you are not a hero who has saved the country from the menace of the "doomers". There never was such a menace. It is completely imaginary. You are a real estate salesman with no "special powers". You are completely unimportant except to yourself and your friends, if you have any. Your delusions of grandeur and your delusions of persecution indicate that you are seriously ill and need help right away ... before you start acting out your fantasies in "real life" and hurt yourself or someone else. Please seek counseling immediately, for everyone's sake.

-- ABC (a@b.c), September 17, 2000.

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