Need vcd final stage help pls! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello, I've captured six 10min avi's all of the same format, res'n etc. Whats the best thing to do? Join all the avi's using MGI Videowave2 or Create 6 vcd mpegs and then join them together?

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know, and which software i should use (tried Pecks Power Join - mpg doesnt play through).

Which audio software allows me to create an *.mpa audio stream for menu music?

Finally, i've been trying to create a working menu using CDMotion Authoring Package, which takes a bitmap as the 'menu still' and allows you to add a navigation point, so when you click on the correct spot during playback, the film will start playing. However, i used a bitmap of 352*288 res (my vcd is to be in PAL format), and when i test the menu from cd-rw, using POWERDVD soft, the nav point is always in the bottom left hand corner instead of the middle of the screen.

Please help me out if you can, i'm not a novice in the vcd area, but at the moment i've drawn a blank.

Thank you,


-- Andy (, September 17, 2000


Check out this site for more help........ It was very helpful to me.

-- Reeses (, November 22, 2000.

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