Cudd Dispatches Team to Egyptian Desert to handle emergency oil well situation : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Friday September 15, 10:33 am Eastern Time

Press Release - SOURCE: RPC, Inc.

Cudd Dispatches Team to Egyptian Desert

HOUSTON, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Cudd Well Control has responded to a well control emergency in the eastern desert of Egypt. Cudd was called to assist the well operator with an uncontrolled flow in a live production well. Senior Well Control Specialists George Hill and Steve Winters were on their way to Egypt within hours of the emergency call.

This assignment in Egypt continues the pace of well control and recovery jobs that Cudd Well Control has handled this year. During one week in August, Cudd Well Control professionals were directing operations simultaneously at five separate well control and well recovery sites worldwide. All these assignments including an environmentally sensitive well fire and recovery operation in Colombia were completed successfully.

Cudd Well Control is a division of Cudd Pressure Control, Inc., based in Houston, Texas. Cudd Pressure Control is a leading provider of ``live well'' services to the worldwide oil and gas industry. These ``live well'' services include blowout control, well recovery, hydraulic workover (snubbing), as well as, coiled tubing services, nitrogen services, pumping services, marine services, wire line services, consulting services, and downhole tools. Cudd Pressure Control, Inc., is a subsidiary of RPC, Inc. (NYSE: RES - news).

CONTACT: Bob Hughes of Cudd Pressure Control, 713-877-1118, or Ben Palmer of RPC, Inc., 404-321-2140.


-- Carl Jenkins (, September 15, 2000


Any idea of Cudd's number of assists this year vs 1998 or 1999.

-- wondering (, September 15, 2000.

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