"Klavin" Acceptance Speechgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
(looking shocked and gazing at the award) Wow!(gathering composure) It's easy to judge a man by his friends. A better measure is his enemies. To have earned the contempt and hatred of Charles Reuben. This means so much.
I'm embarrassed because there are people who deserve this award far more than me. I'm really just accepting this on behalf of Flint, Hoff, Unk D, Jon Latimer, Celia Thaxter, Cannot Say, so many of you independent-thinking pains in the ass. This is for of you. (holding up the award)
I owe a debt of gratitude to the many people who helped me win this award... my parents, my teachers, the Jesuits at university who taught me the rules of logic.
What really touches me is that Charles Reuben took time from his rehab at the head injury clinic to nominate and grant me this award. It takes a special man to hide his medication from the nurses and countless hours cutting and pasting the same 27 paragraph rant over and over. A special man, with a special education. Thank you. (supermodel leads me from the stage.)
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@att.net), September 15, 2000
I hardly "hate" you Klavin winner. Contempt true but never hate. And do remember the Bible says I have love everyone but I'll be damned if it says anything about LIKING THEM.HERE IS what *real* people were doing about Y2k instead of playing "I'm an Economist" on a Y2k EXTREMIST LIST AKA: TB I.
This turned up at Steve Davis' Coalition2000 BB.......
Transcript of Monday's Press Conference announcing the nationwide Community Conversations campaign.
Attachment: Transcript of Today's Community Conversations Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C. Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 18:23:36 -0400 From: Jason McNamara Jason_R._McNamara@WHO.EOP.GOV
An d I'm pleased to introduce Louis Spartan, who is the director of the program office of Y2K Compliance for Frost Bank in San Antonio, Texas, to talk a little about their approach to starting a community conversation. Louis. (Applause.)
MR. SPARTAN: Thank you, John. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm pleased to be here. Throughout the country, in large cities, in smaller towns, Americans are being exposed to vast amounts of information on what might happen to society as the century rolls over.
Many people are wondering what the stories that they are hearing mean to their own communities. I am Louis Spartan, the Year 2000 program director for Frost Bank in San Antonio, Texas, that has been actively involved in Y2K preparedness for about three to four years now. Business and government have been working diligently to prepare for the date change. Although much has been accomplished, local conversations about this progress are needed to build and enhance public confidence.
The real Y2K crisis is truly an information crisis. The lack of regular status reports and conversation within the community can lead to a lack of preparedness. In November of 1998, Frost Bank was privileged to become a founding member of the Greater San Antonio Y2K Coalition. Since then, the coalition has promoted a dialogue among members within the community to encourage a better understanding about the community's readiness for January of 2000.
The coalition has held citizens meetings in malls and public facilities. We visited with local churches. We've participated in editorial boards with the local newspapers. We also sent information packets to small businesses, and we spoke at the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and neighborhood association meetings.
The primary goal has been to build public confidence to illustrate that business and government sectors of the city are working together to ensure a smooth transition into 2000. I'm very proud to be a part of the Y2K Community Conversations initiative announced here today. I commend the President's Council for its hard work and its vision in an effort to promote an open dialogue between public and private sectors and the citizens of our community.
I also want to extend a special thanks to Gavin Nichols of HEB food stores, who is providing current leadership to the Y2K initiative in San Antonio and our coalition, and I'm sure after we're done here, we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much. (Applause.)