CPR: Whatdya Know, the Emperor Has *NO* Clothes Afterall! Hipocrite

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It was just a matter of time CPR before you dug yourself a hole you couldn't climb out of. Well this is a BIG hole and the walls are/have fallen on top of you.

You are a hiprocrite's hipocrite!

P.S. Suggestion for you: Maybe instead of digging deeper like you have been for so many months, you can dig out of your hole by appologizing for being such an ass and learn to shut your mouth and learn to be more forgiving of others mistakes from now on.

-- The emperors new clothes (supply_is_down@prices_r_up.com), September 15, 2000


OIL and Gas futures and SPOT are STILL BELOW the highs of last week and...........GAS IS BELOW THE HIGHS OF **MAY**.


-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

Not to mention that NOBODY can show that the rise in OIL is ANYTHING BUT SUPPLY AND DEMAND ***MANIPULATED*** BY OPEC STARTING IN **EARLY** 1999 when they said they would do....


And "Sgt. Friday's" call time is still not up yet. His "gain" is almost gonzo though he claims he cashed instead of holding to the end to show that he "put his money where" ...his mouth (ass) was.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

Sigh...still can't see the forest for the trees....

-- The emperors new clothes (supply_is_down@prices_r_up.com), September 15, 2000.

It's not about oil...it's not about Y2K. It's about your state of mind. You are a lunatic that needs HELP!

-- The emperors new clothes (supply_is_down@prices_r_up.com), September 15, 2000.

CPR, you are a liar and a moron. First, during the summer, you repeatedly posted messages saying that I had "lost the bet" because gasoline prices hadn't gone up high enough for my option to be in the money. You refused to answer objections that "it wasn't over yet".

The day that I sold the option, at 850 points, for a gain of over 150 percent, I posted that information. Your reply was that I was "chicken" for not holding until the end. When did I ever say I would hold until the end? Never. But you had already declared yourself the winner on several occasions.

For anyone who's interested, here is the relevant part of my commodity account statement reflecting that trade. Sorry about the formatting, but it comes sort of scrambled in the email.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     T O D A Y S    A C C O U N T    A C T I V I T Y    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9/06/00        01           &n bsp;   1   CNF CALL OCT 00 NY UNLEAD GAS 9000     8.50    US 3,570.00            &nbs p;    01        *      1 *           &nb sp;           & nbsp; COMMISSION              US 15.00-            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;                       &nbs p;     CLEARING FEES              US .85-            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;                       &nbs p;     EXCHANGE FEES              US .50-            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;                       &nbs p;          NFA FEES              US .09-            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;                       &nbs p;    OPTION PREMIUM          &nb sp;  US 3,570.00            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;           NET PROFIT OR LOSS FROM TRADES          &nbs p;  US 3,553.56 5/30/00        01      1            MEM CALL OCT 00 NY UNLEAD GAS 9000     3.25    US 1,365.00- 9/06/00        01           &n bsp;   1   MEM CALL OCT 00 NY UNLEAD GAS 9000     8.50    US 3,570.00            &nbs p;    01      1 *      1 *           &nb sp;         OPTION PREMIUM          &nb sp;  US 2,205.00            &nbs p;    01           &n bsp;           NET PROFIT OR LOSS FROM TRADES          &nbs p;  US 2,205.00

-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.

Creep IS a hypocrit, SEE FOR YOURSELVES on the exposed thread...

CREEP, hows that raincoat? ROFLMAO at the hypocrit.......

not ONE moments rest now creep, NOT ONE., every thread you post, I'll be HERE to REMIND YOU that....you are a HYPOCRIT of the WORST degree EVER.

Dont 4get to visit the food service line!!! *teee heee****

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), September 15, 2000.


YOU SAID YOU WOULD STAY TO THE END AND THE CONTRACT HAS NOT CLOSED. Your profits will go down the tubes before the close out. ESAD.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

CPR, as usual you're either deluded or lying. I said exactly this:

"Today I bought an October 2000 unleaded gasoline call option with a strike price of 90 cents a gallon, for 325 points. I will report my sell price when I sell it. Anyone who wants to claim expert knowledge of oil industry price trends should be willing to take a position according to his prognostications. That means if he claims prices are going to go down, he should be short. Otherwise, we know he is just a bag of hot air (to put it politely). " link."

Of course I don't expect you to apologize or admit that you were wrong, as I know you are too mentally ill to do either.

-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.

CPR, as usual you're either deluded or lying. I said exactly this:

"Today I bought an October 2000 unleaded gasoline call option with a strike price of 90 cents a gallon, for 325 points. I will report my sell price when I sell it. Anyone who wants to claim expert knowledge of oil industry price trends should be willing to take a position according to his prognostications. That means if he claims prices are going to go down, he should be short. Otherwise, we know he is just a bag of hot air (to put it politely)."

Of course I don't expect you to apologize or admit that you were wrong, as I know you are too mentally ill to do either.

-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.


May D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting

The next D-FW Prep 2000 meeting is scheduled for tommorrow, Friday May 21st. The intent was to offer a program consisting of a panel of individuals working to address the year 2000 within the retail industry. Participants from five major retailers in the Dallas area, each who had attended earlier Prep 2000 meetings, were invited to serve on the panel. Unfortunately, three organizations have declined to participate and two have not responded as of today.

As a result, there will be no formal program for the May meeting of the D-FW Prep 2000 Group. Those who are interested are welcome to gather at the meeting location to network informally. No formal meeting will be held this month. My apologies for the late notice but I was holding the notification pending hearing from the invitees.

June D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting

The scheduled topic for the June 1999 meeting of D-FW Prep 2000 is addressing the year 2000 within local govenment. Representatives from several local cities will be invited to participate on a panel discussion for the June meeting. This meeting is scheduled for June 18, 1999.

Assist with Program Planning - Your Help is Needed

D-FW Prep 2000 needs your involvement in identifying and planning meeting programs. As we move closer and closer to December 31st, many organizations are busy completing their year 2000 initiatives. Other organizations have completed their activities but are apprehensive about discussing the project in public. The one topic that tends to get the most interest (and media coverage) is personal preparation and survival techniques. Although we hosted an informative panel on this subject in January 1999 and the meeting was well attended, I do not believe a survivalist mentality matches with the perspective of most Prep 2000 participants (please write if you wish to see more programs on personal preparedness).

We need your ideas and thoughts for future program content. Is your organization and industry group on track to be ready for y2k? Can you present your experiences or recommend someone who can? Please contact Bill Wachel at 214-343-4472 or wmwachel@onramp.net with ideas for future D- FW Prep 2000 programs.

D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting Location

D-FW Prep 2000 meets in the private meeting room at the Wyatt's cafeteria at the southwest corner of Marsh Lane and Forest Lane in Northwest Dallas. Take LBJ Freeway (I-635) to Marsh Lane, go south 1/2 mile to Forest. Cafeteria is across Forest (southwest corner). Check in at the meeting room, obtain name tag and meal ticket, enter the food service line selecting whatever you would like, and return to the meeting room with food. Cost is $12 for food and program.

Please note a meal ticket, obtainable at the meeting check-in, is now required prior to entering the food line.

D-FW Prep 2000 Mission

The mission of the Dallas -Fort Worth Prep 2000 group is:

- To educate local organizations and individuals about the year 2000 crisis

- To provide a forum for organizations and individuals to share their experiences in identifying, assessing, and resolving the impacts of the year 2000

- To provide information on different methods of identifying, assessing, and resolving the year 2000 impacts, including briefings and demonstrations of vendor supplied products and services.

Prep 2000 is vendor independent and is a special interest group of D- FW Data Administration and Management Association (DAMA).

For More Information

For more information or to join the D-FW Prep 2000 group, contact Bill Wachel, Chairman, Prep 2000,

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

What's next, CPR, the Dallas white page telephone directory? You really are around the bend, aren't you?

-- Seargeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.

Note the last line: VENDOR INDEPENDENT

May 15, 1998 D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting Date and Program

"Legal Liability and the Year 2000"

Mr. Scott Roberts, Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P.

. ..............................................................

> - June 19, 1998 D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting Date and Program > ""

> Mr. John Raz, Project Advisor, City of Dallas Year 2000 Project

> - Location of D-FW Prep 2000 Meetings

> - D-FW Prep 2000 Web Page

> - D-FW Prep 2000 Mission Statement

> > Months to Go > > Many thanks to those who attend and especially those who have >presented programs over the past 24 months! >

> > "" > Friday, May 15, 1998

Mr. Scott Roberts will provide the May Prep 2000 meeting program addressing:

- Potential legal liabilities of the year 2000

- What actions an organization can complete to limit their own liability

- What rights an organization may have against others related to the year 2000

> >& & an article forthcoming in the Texas Banker concerning potential >lender liability for Year 2000 problems.

> Make plans now to attend the May 15, 1998, meeting of D-FW Prep 2000, with >lunch at 11:30 a.m. and the program at 12:00 Noon. >

> > "" > Friday, June 19, 1998 >

> Speaker will be Mr. John Raz, project advisor, to the City of Dallas year 2000 efforts.

D-FW Prep 2000 Meeting Location D-FW Prep 2000 meets in the private meeting room at the Wyatt's cafeteria at the southwest corner of Marsh Lane and Forest Lane in Northwest Dallas. Take LBJ Freeway (I-635) to Marsh Lane, go south 1/2 mile to Forest. Cafeteria is across Forest (southwest corner). Check in at the meeting room, obtain name tag, enter the food service line selecting whatever you would like, and return to the meeting room with food. Cost is $12 or food and program. D-FW Prep 2000 Web Page

><. Those of you who have browsed the DAMA web

>page recently have noticed considerable improvements in style and content.

>We are working to bring the year 2000 and Prep 2000 information up to par

>and expect to complete such in the next few weeks. >

> > D-FW Prep 2000 Mission >

> The mission of the Dallas -Fort Worth Prep 2000 group is: >

> - To educate local organizations and individuals about the year 2000 crisis >

> - To provide a forum for organizations and individuals to share their experiences in identifying, assessing, and resolving the impacts of the year 2000 >

- To provide information on different methods of identifying, assessing, >and resolving the year 2000 impacts, including briefings and demonstrations >of vendor supplied products and services.

> > Prep 2000 is vendor independent and is a special interest group of D-FW >Data Administration and Management Association (DAMA).

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

And this somehow demonstrates that you were right to attack me for being


about gasoline prices?

-- Seargeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.







-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), September 15, 2000.

My point, although you are apparently too dull or insane to understand it, is that you were


when you said that gasoline prices would


, and that anyone accepting your "analysis" would have


, whereas anyone following my trading example would have


. Of course, you will ignore this, because you can't bear to admit


, even when it is clear to


that you are and were



-- Sergeant Friday (just.the@facts.maam), September 15, 2000.

Thank God, I had not enough money to be bothered with this or that claim to richness. Born, monetary poor, sleighted to die as same. Takes too much mind thought, to turn a buck or few. Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, them for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven. I do not stand upon any stone, and tout my belief. It came to me, from childhood, you had to be there, to see the story, unfold. Signed, Sinner......

-- Oh Lord won't u (buyme@mercedesbenz.com), September 15, 2000.

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