Can "mpeg1 -> filters -> avi -> mpeg1" yield a better mpeg1? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

now that i know that princo silver/blue cdrs actually work on my toshiba dvd player, i have successfully burned playable vcds. i am now experimenting in improving the quality of the vcds i burn.

i came across and just started using this mpeg-to-avi dubber (forget which), which allows adding filters to the dubbing process. adding/tweaking the brightness filter and the sharpness filter, i can visibly see a much improved picture in the avi output.

will re-encoding the "improved" video picture avi to a new videocd/pal mpeg1 yield a better mpeg1 than the original?


-- hitechjunkie (, September 14, 2000


just wanted to add that the original mpeg1 was encoded from the vob files ripped from my MIB dvd. i did a straight vob->mpeg1 encode using flaskmpeg/panasonicMpegPlugin.

will using another mpeg encoder plugin instead produce a better mpeg1? (i thought i saw someone post that bbmpeg yielded better mpeg1s, but the damn thing takes so much longer!)

also, in one of many dvd-to-vcd guides i've read, someone suggested running the newly encoded mpeg1 through virtualdub with videocd as the output, but it isn't it already a videocd compliant mpeg1 already (assuming all settings are correct in flaskmpeg/panasonic)?


-- hitechjunkie (, September 14, 2000.

Sometimes i have to run my mpeg clips (bitrate at 2900) into Virtual dub and convert them to an avi (to fix sound sync)Well i do not use any filters but i do use the intel indio codec set to 100(quality). And after encoding sometimes it slightly filters the pic and looks virtually identical to what i ran in. Yes depending on the filter it sometimes can improve. I know when i do this, it will sometimes filter out the slight brick noise that may occur.

-- Doug (, September 14, 2000.

hey, here's an idea!! what about running an mpeg1 stream through VirtualDub, mpeg1/videocd->mpeg1/videocd, several times - will that improve things any?

-- hitechjunkie (, September 15, 2000.

Are you serious?? you will problably get worse quality if you keep on doing it. But the virtual dub can onyl save as an avi, so if you were to do that you would then have to encode your clip again, then run it through VB then encode it back to an mpeg again, etc. Just use some filters and these will fix things, what do you use to encode your files

-- Doug (, September 15, 2000.

you're right - virtualdub's output is avi. i went home and discovered that ifilmedit is the videocd/mpeg-to-videocd/mpeg tool. i tried rerunning the mpeg1 through it several times and it appears to cut off parts of the mpeg1 file each time, until it is unplayable (i thought i saw some setting which did this, but did not turn it off).

i am using the panasonic encoder plug-in with flaskmpeg as the encoder to videocd/mpeg1 from avi AND from vob.

are there any settings in the panasonic encoder plugin which can be tweaked to produce a (slightly) better videocd/mpeg1 stream?


-- hitechjunkie (, September 18, 2000.

in the advance options screen, leave the noise filter off and set the video filter to adaptive and then to medium or strong

-- Doug (, September 18, 2000.

i'll try that, thanks...

-- hitechjunkie (, September 19, 2000.

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