The Real Reason The Concord Crashed : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

-- x (, September 13, 2000


Bad as Firestone has been through the Ford problem, the above is an invitation to a law suit if it is spread on the Net and causes Firestone damage.

The precedent would be the 666 lawsuits that P&G won.

-- cpr (, September 13, 2000.

Don't be a moron Charles. This is parody at its finest, and perfectly legal as decided by the Supreme Court in Falwell vs. Flynt 10 years ago.

-- cpr is a dumbass (@ .), September 13, 2000.

-- LOL (@ .), September 13, 2000.

This is much more serious than the Falwell case. You are talking DEATH here and implying something with NO PROOF WHATEVER.

Falwell Flint was a "character assassination" case. This is different. All that would be necessary would be to be able to show lost sales traceable to such a spurious "parody". It was posted here out of context. Expect it to show up elsewhere.

-- cpr (, September 13, 2000.

"All that would be necessary would be to be able to show lost sales traceable to such a spurious "parody"."

oh, yeah, riiiiight! Lost sales because of a silly parody as compared to lost sales over a defective product and consumer DEATHS. Who's going to be able to make THAT distinction, Bozo Breath?

Jeez, cpr, stop taking life so seriously and get a sense of humor!

-- x (, September 13, 2000.

cpr is an obnoxious "know it all". he is a boil on the ass of this forum.

-- cpr sucks (cpr, September 13, 2000.

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