OH: Short supply dooms gas providergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Energy Max of Northeast Ohio, Inc., an
unregulated natural gas provider that
has about 1,000 residential customers
in the Toledo area, has become the first
company to be booted from Ohio's customer
choice program for not having enough supply.. . .
Energy Max is the second marketer to strand
natural gas customers in the state. Titan
Energy, Inc., (formerly United Gas Management)
went bankrupt this year and tried to sell its
customer contracts in Ohio to another company
that wouldn't honor the terms. Eventually, a
marketer was found that would honor the Titan
contracts.Toledo Blade
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), September 09, 2000
Isn't kicking out a supplier for lack of supply a rather harsh, and unusual punishment?
-- Loner (loner@bigfoot.com), September 09, 2000.