new names, old : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
where have all thy beauties gone? everyone changes names and places to hang out and a girl can't hardly find anyone when she manages to get on-line... but I miss my old friends. Smitten Vamp, Paladin, Saint Germaine, Beokitten, Gobbles, Lisaski, LEEHHHHHHHAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE, Hatched, so many others... where have you all gone?? do you remember this chippericious chickadee?? write to me pwease I'm anxious to huggle you. Love always, Chip
-- Chipgirl (, September 08, 2000
hey chippers!!!i'm still around, but not in vp much anymore--I was switched to the dreaded nite shift at work....ick. I do follow the board threads tho....always! its good to hear from you! drop me a line if you want to hook up. lisaski
-- lisaski (, September 11, 2000.